Sunday, March 28, 2010

Body image - oie!!

Hi everyone! Greetings on this dull and rainy Sunday afternoon.

I am heading to the sunshine and warm temperatures of Phoenix Wednesday, which I'm very excited about! In preparation for the glorious weather, I went bathing suit shopping. Falling out of the suits I had was not an option for me.

Now, it is a known fact that no matter how skinny, fat or perfect your body, EVERY woman hates shopping for bathing suits. It's the idea of seeing ALOT of your pasty white body in harsh, bright lights that makes the experience so dreadful. And that's not even taking into consideration the added layer of complexities known as cellulite, flab or unwanted-and-previously-unseen body hair...'nuf said. Suffice it to say that this kind of shopping is NOT a good time.

While I was stuffing myself into the latest fashions of swimming attire, I did a good assessment of my "new" body. Overall? "Not bad", I'd say, but my body has taken a toll for being so overweight for all of my life. Actually, I believe the medical term is "morbidly obese"....nice, isn't it? You'd think that categorization alone would be motivating enough for me to lose weight. Bad enough I had to worry about whether or not a seat belt would fit me, but I had to deal with knowing I was "deathly fat"...yeesh! What other humiliation could I face?!?

But I digress. And that was the "old" me and the "new" me was now standing in front of the mirror, checking myself out in the bathing suit...

Let's start at the top...face, much thinner ... double chin, gone...good shoulder definition (exact words from my nephew the trainer)... arms, pretty good definition, the smallest they've ever been, but, truthfully, the upper arms will benefit from some more weight and fat loss.

On to the mid-section...I can actually ab muscle I don't have a six pack...more like a two pack...but the muscles are there and I'm very proud of that. I actually have a waist now and curves...who knew?!? Area of the arms, the tummy will need to shed some more weight and place to go but down!

OK, bum...I can actually feel the bones in my bum when Nadia asks us to sit on them in yoga. That's pretty cool! Legs...I can definitely see the muscles in my legs and feel my knee bones...awesome! More weight and fat loss for the legs, though, but it's all good and trending in the right direction.

I can feel my spine, ribs and hip bones and see my collar and cheek bones. This is progress. So, as I've been scrutinizing myself with an eye that is trying to be objective, I think "Good job. Keep it up. And if you need a little nip & tuck at the end of it, so be it!"

For the female human population, body image is a very touchy issue. Because of my weight, I've never thought I could be attractive. And hearing the words, "but you've got such a pretty face" doesn't really help, for the record. We are our harshest critic, and I certainly have been very harsh on myself. That's why, when I looked in the mirror this time and said "not so bad", it felt great! Is my body perfect? Uh, no! But it's healthy, active and strong. Realistically, I can't be the size that I was for so many years and expect to slim down into a fat-free body. It just doesn't happen that way. The Evil One says that "it's all about looking good naked". He's right. I guess the definition of "good" is subjective. I'm just grateful to be looking at a slimmer, healthier me.

So tell me something, poppits, what do YOU say when you look in the mirror? If it's something negative, promise me that, tomorrow, you will find at least TWO things you like about yourself when you're naked. Sound weird? Try it, you'll like it...

Here's hopin' for a GREAT bikini summer!
(a)yt xox

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Exercise or ... the flu?

Greetings and salutations from a sneezy & sniffling me!

This me, I'm happy to say is a significant improvement from the chills-fever-even-my-teeth-ache me that was two days ago. Ya know, I've always thought of myself as a healthy person, but this is the 3rd time I've had some kind of bug this flu season and, quite frankly, it's getting annoying! Of course, within the first 3 days of the week, I encountered at least 4 people who were sick, so I'm guessing that had something to do with it.

I went to yoga Wednesday night, per usual, with Nadia the ex-cop-turned-yoga-meister. Seriously, she's an ex-cop. Now I've sung the praises of Nadia a few times to you and I still think she rocks. However, this past Wednesday we were actually jumping. That's right, JUM-PING! As I'm flopping around on my mat, I'm thinking "isn't yoga supposed to be relaxing?" Lemme tell you, I felt no sense of relaxation...not as I was jumping...not as I laid on the mat with a big, ole wooden block in my back...not as I swung my left butt cheek up the wall gripping on to two ropes for dear life....not at any time. My objective for yoga was to build up my muscle strength, beyond the weights that I'm doing with The Evil One. Imagine my surprise when we had some cardio thrown into the mix. Nadia was all Ms-happy-to-be-showing-us-something-different and I was all Ms-grumpy-because-I-was-sweating-and-could-hear-my-flab-floppin....clearly we were on different pages. Anyway, I survived, even the wooden block between my shoulder blades only to come down with some kinda virus that took me out all day Thursday and most of Friday. Poor me, really...

My weight routine has been shaken up a bit too. It has not been a good week for me, dang it! The Evil One has introduced TWO torture tools into my routine:

Torture tool #1 - a 15 lb. bar that I must hold over my head as I do my squats. Fortunately, my bum doesn't have to touch the bench...yet...but the bench is still under me. NOW I hear Werner yelling..."keep your elbows locked"(because they buckle from the weight of the bar)..."head up" (because the arm buckling causes me to lean forward, thereby lowering my head)..."keep you back straight" (because I'm leaning forward). Do you see the vicious circle I'm in?!? It's so unfair and, really, I get no sympathy.

Torture tool #2 - the leg press. Oh, not your-ordinary-everyday kinda leg press. No, this one is where you're lying awkwardly on your back with your legs up in the air. As the weights depresses, your legs come buckling down towards your stomach. It's one of the few times I'm grateful I still have some of my stomach for the protection, otherwise, I'd be pulling steel and broken knee bones out of my mouth. And by the way, if you have even a hint of body gas, it's gonna come out...if ya know what I mean. Just another thing for me to worry about for my next workout...yeesh!

I know, I'm kinda cranky and a little whiny (kinda? a little?), but it hasn't been a good week for me, poppits. I'm just sick and tired of being sick & tired, I guess. So....enough of the grumbling....

Looking at possibilities instead of limitations I say....

* Bring on that 15lb. bar. Soon I'll be be squatting with my elbows locked, head up and bum touching the bench!

* leg press, schmeg press...I won't need my stinkin' belly for protection 'cuz I'll be pressing with legs that could support a truck...arr, arr, arr....

* jumpin' in yoga? Well, ok, that one is still gonna be challenging to do ... but I love a challenge, right?!?

Tomorrow I hike with the Inca Chicks. Only it's a series of climbing stairs. I should be used to this, right? So why am I so nervous?!?

What challenge will YOU take on for the week, poppits?!? Whatever it is, remember I'm right there with ya!
(a) yt xox

ps--tried some sour cream & hemp flavoured Kale chips...mmmm....NOT!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The power of objectivity


Greetings, once again, from my boudoir where I'm typin' at 'cha on Sunday night. What a weekend it's been...rainy, windy and not quite fun. Perfect couch potato weekend, I must say. Fortunately, I resisted the temptation and did a workout on both days, since I couldn't get a hike in today. Of course, I did manage to slip in some TV watching for a bit of time..tee hee...

So, let me catch you up on my past week. Truth be told, poppits, it wasn't that fun for me. I have been feeling cranky, stressed and out of sorts for a few weeks now, but this past week was the worst. In a nutshell, I was having what boiled down to a MAJOR crisis of faith for me. Remember that "Leap of Faith" I'd taken back in January 2009? The one that had me soaring off the mountain top landing safely on the padded cushion at the bottom of the mountain? Well, I found myself back on a ledge, freaking out over alot of money, like gaining 1.6 lbs., like questioning my career and life path...blah, blah, blah! Too many things freaking me out to elaborate! Suffice it to say, I was NOT at my best.

Until I had a couple of really good conversations Friday...

Conversation #1 was with my friend, Duane, who's observations were sensitive, compassionate and bang on! He has this way of looking at you and knowing things aren't right. He's done that before, but Friday was different because he wasn't letting me off the hook..which is what I needed. His gentle prodding allowed me to actually talk about my issues, which helped. Quite frankly, he opened the flood gates for ...

Conversation #2 with Elizabeth, my mentor coach and friend. And by "flood gates", I mean sobbing-nose-running-eye-puffy-boo-hooing-like-a-baby flood gates. It wasn't pretty and I'm glad our SKYPE conversation didn't have video. Elizabeth helped me to really name my concern and, through her coaching expertise and genuine concern, guided me to the realization that IT'S OK for me to have fears and stress and anger. Heck! I didn't even realize I was angry until Elizabeth made the observation...yeesh! That explains why I almost took down the poor construction guy who was holding up traffic. I mean, was it his fault I was cutting it close to get the GO Train and there were no parking spots at the station?!?

ANYWAY, when I spoke to Elizabeth, I was one big tormented ball of fear and anger. Poor thing! She got an earful! But at the end of the conversation, I was feeling closer to my old self than I'd been feeling in a while. When I hung up with Elizabeth, I had said that I'd moved closer to the edge of the mountain and had 1/2 of my left foot off the ledge.

So, what did Duane & Elizabeth do? They provided a safe space for me to vent anger and express fears. They also provided objectivity around the conversation. To be truthful, I didn't like feeling the way I was, but I recognize it's normal, and part of the journey I am on. Heck! I can't be all happy and positive ALL the time, can I?!?

So what's the learning for me here? Hmmm.....
- anyone experiencing transition in their life will go run the gamit of emotions at some point. It's natural and part of the process. Go with it, but recognize when you've been in the darkness for too long. Remember there are people who love you and want you to come outside and play with them.

- when you have caring, intuitive, supportive friends in your life, you've got it all!

- It's ok not to be happy & optimistic all the freakin' time! Clearly my food cravings and imaginative death scenes for The Evil One have proven one can not be "Sister Mary Sunshine" all the time...right?!?

- If you get mad at God, He doesn't mind.

- If you get mad at the innocent construction worker trying to protect you from the possibility of a giant crane falling on your car and crushing you, he'll flip you off.

Alrighteythen, here I go, poppits. I'm back up against the wall of the mountain. This time, however, it's only so I can get a running start to my leap off ledge.


(a) yt xox

Saturday, March 6, 2010

What is your definition of "success"?


What a FAB day I'm staring at...sunshine, not a cloud in the sky. I'm so down with the Vitamin D!!

OK, so I've been thinking ALOT about how I'm defining success for my health journey. Oh sure, the declining numbers on the scale and the shrinking clothes size certainly help. However, for me, this journey has been about feeling better, physically and mentally, about myself. I'm finding this "feeling better" is translating into so many different things. Like....

- when I go through the turnstiles on the subway, my bum no longer touches the sides of the turnstile.

- not overflowing onto the next person's seat when I watch a movie or go to the live theatre

- Crossing my legs without having to hook my foot onto something for support

See where I'm going with this? Let's be clear, I really enjoy having a normal blood pressure and blood tests that no longer threaten diabetes and/or cholesterol problems. However, it's the little things that affect my life and reduce my embarrassment that really get my mojo going.

There was a time, when I was at my highest weight and size (size 26, btw), traveling for business. On one horrific flight, I actually couldn't do up the seat belt. I was just short of connecting. After much struggle and feeling the humiliation of having everyone watch my struggle (I was in an aisle seat), I had to get up and ask the flight attendant for an extension. It was absolutely humiliating for me. It only happened once, but I remember the fear I faced every time I sat down on an airplane, wondering if the seat belt was gonna fit me. So, for me, success is being able to wear the seat belt AND have extra length for good measure!

Here's the deal....if I can do this, so can you. When I first started on this journey, my weight, size and health issues were I'd never be able to see the end. And now? I'm in the home stretch of achieving my Machu Picchu goal. It's been a long time coming and, well, I've shared the struggles that I faced...STILL face...but it's worth it.

So I ask you, poppits, what is your definition of success...and how badly do you want it?!? 'Cuz whether or not you believe it, it really is within you to achieve. Trust me on this. You have everything you need to reach your goal. And when you don't feel you can pull it off, you have resources you can call upon to remind you. One of those resources is ME...just call me...seriously....

I've got a spring in my step and joy in my heart as I head out to meet someone for coffee. How are you feeling, poppit?!?
(a) yt xox

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A week of ups & downs!

Good evening, poppits! I'm typin' at 'cha LIVE from the coziness of my bed. Man! I love wireless internet!

It's about 9:45 pm and I'm feeling really tired. I think it's because I worked out with The Evil One today and did yoga with Nadia tonight. Can I just say right now how much I love doing yoga with Nadia? She ROCKS it people! First of all, the yoga studio she has in her basement is awesome and, as an instructor, she pushes you without killing you. The good news is that Nadia no longer has to push my shoulders with her feet anymore as I'm actually able to do the moves myself! This is good news to me!

Tonight she did some wacky, wrap-our=knees-with-a-belt-and-lift-our-pelvis-while-squishing-in-our-shoulders-while-linking-our-hands-under-our-elevated-bums thing. Get the picture? Well, although there were no mirrors, I can't imagine it was a pretty sight! It was a great stretch, though, even if I felt like I was doing some kind of weird bondage sex position! Easy girl, it's just yoga....

As the title suggests, this past week has been a series of highs and lows for me. All the highs seem to come when I'm out with friends or clients...networking, talking, listening and generally having a good time. I had many "reconnections" that reminded me of what wonderful people there are in my life. Duane & Aubrey constantly remind me of how much I am appreciated and respected for being me; my coaching peeps like Panagiota, Maggie, Michael and my practicum compadres remind me of how important the journey we are on together really is...and that it's ok that I'm struggling and not perfect! These messages were so important for me to hear this week as I've been challenged on my abilities to grasp the process of being a good coach. I was also inspired by the creativity and resourcefulness of these people. How they manage to pull themselves up from adversity is inspirational!

And, yes poppits, there were other the FIERCE patriotism I felt during the Olympics, especially the men's hockey game between the US & Canada. I'm sure everyone reading this blog has heard about the outcome so I'll spare you any details. I will say, however, that the best part of the game for me was the four text message conversations I had during the game! Two of my nieces were texting me...what fun! We all agreed the suspense was brutal and let's just say that we were not above the use of profanity to express our feelings!

The weight loss journey has also been filled with ups and downs. I am so pleased with the progress I've made. My skinny jeans are on & comfortable, and I feel good when I wear them! I am working out ... HARD ... several times/week. And yes, Werner challenges me, but I'm challenging myself as well! For example, I did more stairs Tuesday, despite that my knees were a little sore and my back was a little twingy. I just did some really good stretching and voila! Nothing more to whine about! So, I did 800 stairs where I ran up them. Admittedly, the last 200 stairs were more like walking kinda fast, but I did them. I told myself that, every time I approach my own workout, I must go beyond the previous one...and that's what I did. I must admit that I'm getting bored with just doing stairs, but I know I need to keep at it as the benefit outweighs the boredom...blah, blah, blah...Hey! maybe I'll do them naked and see if that shakes things up a little bit! At the very least it will give the guys across the street something to talk about while on their smoke break!

Easter is around the corner. You know how I know it? 'Cuz all my favourite Easter candy is back in the stores, taunting me. Not that I've I walk through the store while I wait for the GO Train...but Laura Secord has their awesome cream eggs out now. And...O-M-G!! I just saw this pecan caramel fudge nut egg as well. Lemme tell you that one is SCREAMING my name! I pray to The Big Guy Upstairs that they sell out fast because I'm just not sure how long I can resist that one...seriously...

I'm struggling with the diet too. For some reason, I'm feeling really I want to rip meat right off the bones. Of course it's cooked and has a nice sauce to it. Come on, people. I said "carnivorous" not "barbaric"! I really need to stay focused in this last little bit. Although I'm down 75 lbs. it's really getting harder for the weight to come off. Reality check, though, is that I KNOW I can do it if I stay focused on the diet...and stay away from the granola mix and the "Awesome Almond" mix at Planet Organic. Yeesh, I should just stay away from Planet Organic until after Machu Picchu! It's bad news when you have to ban yourself from an entire store!

Once again, I am reminded that I am in complete control of my own destiny on this one. I have no physical problems preventing me from losing weight or exercising, so I can decide when I want to lose the weight...simply by shutting my pie hole! Right?!? Eat the right foods, in reasonable quantities, only when I'm hungry and the weight will come off. Simple right? So why can't I do it?!? Years and years of bad habits and weird, sabotaging thoughts...sigh...

OK, thanx for sharing your week's ups & downs, Yvonne, but whats the "bottom line" here? Fair's the message I want to leave you's really deep, too!

Life is the best, most awesome roller coaster ride you can ever be on. You choose whether you want to clutch the railings with fear, crying like a baby OR whether you let your hair down, raise your arms and yell "WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" all the way.

What's it gonna be, poppits...."boo hoo" or "WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"?!?
(a) yt xox