Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hi everyone!

It's 10:30 in the am and I just realized I did not contribute to my blog yesterday. Did anyone notice? Does anyone actually read anybody out there?!? For those following, you'll be happy to know that my ass is doing just fine now, thank you very much.

Yesterday, I threw my back out just by reaching down to pick something up. I don't even know what I was reaching for! What's that all about? Between my ass and my back, I'm beginning to feel my age of 26 Euros.

I've been managing the next challenge thrown at me. I didn't mention it Tuesday because, clearly, I was too traumatized by stepping on the scale in front of Werner. However, I was asked to pick one of three "meal plans" presented to me:
1) drink nothing but shakes for 2 weeks
2) eat only within a 9 hour period each day or
3) eat all you want, but only 1 meal/day

Can you guess the one I chose? Since option 2 seemed the lesser of all evils, that's what I picked. Now, the next question became "which are the appropriate hours?" I mean, what if I pick 10:00-6:00 and meet someone for dinner? I'd have to snarf my meal before 6:00 or else only order tea or coffee (with no milk or sweetener). Honestly, it was a bit of a challenge. So, I've opted for 11:30-8:30 as I think that covers a good spread.

I am on day 2 of this plan and it's been challenging. I get REALLY hungry in the morning, especially because I was used to eating protein (i.e. hamburgers, pork chops, etc.) within an hour of when I awoke. I'm discovering the phases of how my hunger manifests itself:
- hunger pain
- extreme crankiness
- headache
- shaking hands
- stomach ache

Yes, I have experienced the gammit. For example, right now, my stomach is in pain. I realized I was in the cranky stage when I said, in my car, "What the (expletive) (expletive) are you doing, you (expletive) old fart?" to the man who took an extra second before accelerating after the light turned green. Oh my....fortunately, the windows were up and the not-so-old person wasn't looking in his rear view mirror when I said it. However, I did get a glimpse of myself after I said it and had a good laugh. I'm also thinkin' I may need botox...but I digress...
Yeesh...need to get used to this change pretty soon or else I'll have to force myself to stay inside, away from the knives. What is it "they" say? What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger....

Well, here's to another good day with good eating and good focus. Three cheers to the sunshine!!

Enjoy the day!
(a) yt xox


  1. just for the record i read your blog every day and i'm glad you can make uncle john's bash in the summer. should be a good time! keep up the good work!

  2. Aubrey and I are reading this regularly and are thoroughly enjoying hearing your thoughts. It is interesting that we think so much alike...

    Have a good one from Michigan.


  3. Hey I read it too! See Yvonne there are loads of losers out there who read other people's blogs all day. Yours is great.

    When are you getting on Twitter???
