Wednesday, December 16, 2009

When you look at me, what do you see?

I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and guess that what YOU see is very different, and most likely far more positive than what I see. Thank you, Inner Critic, Michelle...

Last night I had dinner with my new friend, Panagiota. Now Panagiota is a warm, funny, smart, gorgeous woman with alot to offer. And you think her inner critic would allow her to acknowledge that?!? No way!! What is up with that, anyway? I've always said that it would be great if we could see ourselves through the eyes of our friends. Imagine how good we'd feel about ourselves! No matter how objective I THINK I can be, it's rare that I can see myself objectively. Oh sure, I'm down 67 lbs, but am I completely rid of fat pockets and cellulite? Nope. So instead of seeing my not-quite-a-six-pack abs, I see the jiggly bits all around my abs. It's not quite fair and I'm not sure how to stop the madness that is my Inner Critic, Michelle.

I've been listening to The Law of Attraction on audiobook. It's by Jerry & Esther Hicks, where Esther channels Abraham, a collection of spirits who have a message to get to us humans about how the Law of Attraction works. In a nutshell, it's all about being clear in what you want and thinking only of what you want...ya know, positive messages; good emotional energy, etc. It's basic stuff. It's been helping me to think more positively about things, even though I'm not experiencing them right now. For example, I focus on all the things I can do, now that I've lost alot of weight (like hiking and cross-country skiing and cycling). I no longer think about how unachievable these things are or how awkward I will look doing them. Instead I think about when I can squeeze them into my calendar! It's pretty cool. I'm thinking this is a way for me to battle Michelle, my Inner Critic. Ya know, think about all the things I CAN and WILL do, not what I can NOT do. Does this make sense? I hope I haven't lost you...

In the meantime, I've decided that I want to actually start telling people what I see in them - let them really see themselves through my eyes. Of course, I will tell only the positive stuff I see...unless they've got spinach in their teeth or a boogie in their nose. That's my commitment to you, poppits. So be prepared for the good stuff!

Imagine a world where everyone had only good things to say to each other ... hmmmm....

G'night and sweet dreams of compliments and good feelings!
(a) yt xox


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