Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What a difference a day makes!

I can't believe it's already been a week since last I typed. Not because I'm incapable of taking a week to update the blog (!!) but because I can't believe a week has passed so quickly! A few tidbits to update you...

- I gained 9.5 lbs over the Christmas period, basically the month of December. I lost it and am now back to my total weight loss of 67 lbs. Yippee! I can't tell you how wonderful it was to step on the scale and see that number drop...slice of heaven!

- I started back with The Evil One and he is whipping my sorry ass into shape again. Last week, when I stepped on the scale and fessed up to the 9.5 lb. weight gain, he tried the "nice guy" approach to understand what emotions I'm having while I eat and what support do I need. It was a very nice approach and made me get a little teary, which freaked him out slightly - not my intention, but a nice side benefit! Why I got all teary, I don't know other than to recall the time in Phoenix when I felt out of control and my inner critic was riding high in my head. That wasn't fun to recall, which could be why I got all boo-hooey with Werner. Or maybe I was just feeling like I needed to, WHAT-ever!

- This week (yesterday), I stepped on the scale and showed the big loss. The Evil One decided to change his approach from Mr. Nice Guy to Mr. Hold-Me-Accountable Guy. He reminded me of my commitment to work out at least 3x at the gym and that I had failed in living up to that commitment last week..DOH!! I could tell he wasn't buying my excuses (well, they were pretty lame!) and he started to play a little hard ball with me. After much back and forth, he asked me the question...

... How hard am I willing to work for this last 40 lbs.?!?

YOWZA!! Well, that was a good question and it got me thinking about alot of stuff. I started to get this heavy feeling last night and carried it through as my day began today. Alot of CRAP

... I am PETRIFIED of not making this goal...that my will power won't be be strong enough to overcome my cravings...that I won't be able to achieve and sustain the level of exercise I need to have in order to keep losing the weight...that my caloric intake will reduce so much that I'll be down to eating nothing but spinach and water!

I know I was melodramatic (again!), but that was what was going through my head last night. And it made me question EVERYTHING - the weight loss journey, whether or not coaching was the right choice, if I was ever going to see money come into my bank account again, would I actually be able to climb The Inca Trail...yada-yada! Quite frankly, last night was not the best night of my life!

THEN, I met Maggie for coffee this morning and things changed!! As you know, I always love my conversations with Maggie because she always has such different perspectives on things and she doesn't judge and she's caring and supportive and an overall great person! Anyway, in that conversation, I was able to articulate what I really wanted to do. She helped me define my nirvana corporate gig! That was really helpful to me and I left that conversation feeling optimistic and focused!

On to a GREAT coaching conversation with an amazing client who worked hard and was able to see what an incredibly resourceful, caring person she is. That conversation reminded me of everything I loved about being a coach!

Then, I dragged my sorry ass to the gym. It was a short, but intense self-directed workout and, at the end of it, I felt glad I did it...especially as I was walking to the GO Train, feeling the burn. Nothing says "success" like a sore ass!

And tonight? Yoga with Nadia. This was my second class with Nadia. It's a "fundamentals" course, which means she shows you the basics of the poses. Yeesh! I had no idea a body could be stretched in such a way! I'm really excited about the possibilities that yoga will bring to me. I can't wait until I can hold the poses for 1 minute..then 2 minutes! I will be so strong and limber...right on! In the meantime, not-so-much, really. I can barely hold the pose for the required 10 seconds and my toes cramp up because I'm stretching them in directions they don't want to go. It ain't pretty, but I'm not giving up! Nadia is a GREAT teacher and I can see the value of doing this. This will be something I will do for the rest of my life...toe cramping or not!

While I ran the gammit of emotions in less than 24 hours, I'm happy to say I'm back on track for seeing possibilities and being optimistic. Tomorrow I will work from home and I'm going to develop materials that will support me in growing my business. I'm really excited about what lies ahead and the ideas I have. It also helps to have people who know your business capabilities and remind you of them every once in a while - lucky me!

BTW, shameless plug time, I'm still looking to add to my coaching client base, so if you know of anyone...seriously...

OK, time for bed. I've got a big, productive day planned for tomorrow and I'm gonna need my sleep! Thanx to Maggie, SS, Aubrey & Nadia for their contributions to my FAB-YOU-LUSS day!!

G'night, poppits!
(a) yt xox

1 comment:

  1. Haven't checked in for a while - are you serious you have lost 67 pounds? That is frickin amazing! So proud of you! We need to have a (low-cal) coffee soon.
