Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday, April 5 2009

Hi everyone! Oh my...what a GLORIOUS day! Sunny, rain or wind....ah....

I had a good day yesterday, sleeping in until 10:15, if you can believe it! Then off to run some errands, get a pedicure, have a nap then, bada-bing it was time to meet Joanne & Sandra. Off we ventured to celebrate Tony's birthday with a surprise dinner party arranged by his girlfriend, Carole. It was a nice event and Tony was, indeed, surprised!

I was quite proud of myself. I ate all healthy stuff, and didn't even want the bread that was in front of me...or a glass of wine...or the mashed potatoes...or the REALLY yummy looking apple cheesecake. Nope...not a hankerin' at all! Ate within the 9 hour window, so it was a good day for me! Shout out to Joanne, who is now down 37 lbs. and exercising on a regular basis. Right on, sista!!!

I am sitting at my table getting ready to head to Heather's house for an informal discussion about a trip to Peru she's planning. Heather is the one who lost a bunch of weight, trained her ass off (literally & figuratively!) and climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro last year. We'll see how it goes.

Anyway, I'm kinda proud of myself because I'm wearing my "skinny jeans" and they are actually loose enough to feel comfortable. I'm sure we all have jeans we can wear that are loose ... when we're standing. But, come time to actually sit down, they're tight around the waist, causing the belly to spill forth over the waistband causing the recently-identified phenomenon of "muffin-top". Ya know what I mean? Well, I'm happy to say that these jeans are even loose enough now that I can sit in them and be comfortable. This is a good feeling for me! I'm not quite at the next size down...not yet, anyway...but it's great to be able to wear my skinny jeans and feel comfortable. Motivational, really.

I've been thinking about how I want to kick up my health journey. I've been noodlin' for the past few summers about getting a bike. BBF, Bill has one, so I might just invest. I'm close enough to the lake that I could just peddle down and take a little ride along the lake front. Today would've been a perfect day for a bike ride. Soooooo, that's what I'm thinking about. Does anyone have any thoughts/experiences to share about that? Any other ideas for me? And, no, I will not clean other people's houses as a form of exercise, so don't even go there, Kathy B...:)

Until tomorrow, have a FAB-YOU-LUSS day everyone!
(a)yt xox

1 comment:

  1. Assuming I'm the mysterious Kathy B - okay you don't have to clean out my house for exercise, but you could take my kids for a bike ride. Or play road hockey with them. Or attempt a cartwheel on the front lawn with them. Don't ask.

    (You're reconsidering the cleaning offer now aren't you?)
