Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday, April 16th 2009

Happy one-more-day-before-a-gorgeous-weekend!! Weather is planning to cooperate, as I understand.

I had a VERY busy day yesterday, meeting with Emmanual Lopez (aka Motivator Man). He's an award winning artist who has turned into a motivational speaker/blogger/author/musician. You name it, Emmanual has done it! We met to see how we could help each other, besides exchanging positive energy and all! We've decided to meet weekly, whether it's for a coffee or over the phone. That will be good for me. He's smart and connected and I think it will be a good fit. Everything happens for a reason, right?!?

Met with John Fini, financial advisor extraordinaire, to take care of my very high finances (NOT!!) then lunch with Brian then workout at LPS, then picking up my drycleaning, then shoe shopping...oie! I'm exhausted just thinking back! you permission to hate me!

I've been successful through Day 3 of the Caveman Diet and I'm adjusting well to the 9 hour window. I must admit, though, that this week was not good for an energy level while I was working out. I was huffing and puffing after only 3 minutes on the bike. Don't get me wrong, I did get through all three of the workouts, but it was a real struggle - especially on that damn bike! I've come to hate everything about it - the uncomfortable seat that doesn't have enough padding and is off to the right, just enough to make it really awkward to sit on....the noise it makes so that The Evil One can tell when I fall below the speed of 60 ... the extremely slow timer that can't seem to count down a minute as fast as other clocks...I dunno. I think I need to figure out a way to enjoy it...or at least not hate it. A book? my iPod?!? Any suggestions?!?

Well, today I'm off to get my hair done. I'm sure those who have seen me lately will be saying "Amen and thank you". Then I'm driving to Shelby Township, Michigan to spend the weekend with cousins Pete & Kelly and for a wedding. I've got Harry Potter Book 7 lined up in my 6-CD changer, a lunch bag full of veggies, and good directions. I'm ready for a road trip, baby!!

I won't be able to type until my return on the weekend, so until then...good eating and get out and enjoy the sunshine! BTW, feel free to send positive vibes my way as it may be a tough weekend food-wise for me. I'll just have to dance my legs off to compensate!!

(a)yt xox

1 comment:

  1. #1 You ROCKED with the caveman diet, so give yourself a big old pat on the back, cause following directions is hard enough at home, let alone on vacation!

    #2 You were in Warren, MI, not Shelby Township... but I'll let it slide.

    #3 I'm going to start at the beginning now and work my way back... this is fun!
