Monday, June 1, 2009

If only I could turn my neck...

Hi everyone - Happy Monday!
Well, today started with a big headache (actually, the headache started last night and carried through until this morning). I missed AFOOFA unfortunately, since I needed to get some sleep. I woke up about 10:30 feeling much better, then headed into the city for a workout with the sled. A good workout but I'm really feeling alot of pain and tension in my shoulders and neck. Where's the massage therapist when you need him now?!?

The weekend was busy, hanging out with Dianne & Lorry for a sister's weekend! Dianne had us over for a nice bday dinner Saturday night (she cooked a TON of veggies!). Then we went to Elora on Sunday and man! was it cold! Although it was sunny, there was a bitter wind that kept us very cold. It didn't help that Dianne and I wore open-toed sandals. There's a way to never get warm! Also, there was no electricity in the city! The whole city (or is it a village) and a bit of the surrounding area lost power around 1:30-ish. It was pretty weird. Of course, that didn't stop us from buying our jewels and having lunch!

It was kinda quiet when I was working out. There was just Roland, another guy I see all the time. He's a quiet guy, but says things that are a bit ... um ... off ... sometimes! Anyway, when I saw Roland Friday, he asked me to guess how old he was. I really wanted to guess 65, but I was feeling kind and said "61". Roland said .. "61...hmmm..." When I asked him how old he was he said "57"...DOH!!! I felt so badly! Anyway, I realized there were no hard feelings when I saw him today and he was quite witty and friendly, and he didn't pick up a 30 lb. barbell and smack me upside the head. That's always a good sign.

I realized at Dianne's I have another "Cheat day" coming up. It happens to occur the same day as niece Keri's baby shower. I'm excited as I will be able to have my sister, Karen's FAMOUS & AWESOME potato salad. I'm really looking forward to that! I also bought some goat's milk yogurt & granola again, in anticipation of Sunday. Should be good!!

BTW, in weighing myself today I'm down another 3 lbs., so that leaves me with 18 lbs to lose before the end of July. I've got the name of a gym that trains in the same technique as LPS in Scottsdale, so I'm gonna see about working out when I'm there. That should keep me on track and focused.

Here's me signing off ... with visions of potato salad, yogurt & granola dancing in my head!!

Take care!
(a) yt xox


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