First of all, a big hearty "heidi-ho!!" to the new blog readers from my Foundations of Coaching course. These are new supporters and new friends. We had an amazing time together, so the fact that they are reading my blog makes me proud and happy to have them in my life.
Sooooooo, lemme tell you about the rest of the class days. In a word...AWESOME!!! We did some amazing work. They tell you not to come to the course unless you are willing to be coached. Well, that is the truth. You learn so much about yourself ... just by asking a well-poised question! They're called "powerful questions" and when asked, the person who is sitting in the "client" chair sits back, takes in a breath and says "wow...good question!" I had a couple of those magic moments - ones that made me think deeper than I really wanted to go! That says alot about the people on the course and their amazing listening skills, and their curiousity & concern for others. It was so great to be surrounded by these kinds of people all week. I felt safe & secure, like I was a baby in a big 'ole blanket in my momma's arms. Um, not that I actually remember being in my mother's arms, but I think you catch my drift.
ANYHOO....I'm psyched because I'm back on track! I no longer feel the urge to eat everything that isn't nailed down. It's a good thing, too. I was VERY close to walking up to the Dairy Queen and ordering my very own waffle bowl sundae! Oh, I'm sure I still would've felt shame, shovelling the ice cream and toppings into my pie hole while sitting in the grungy toilet stall at Union Station. But I was ready to do it, people!!
Then I got to know a little bit about a guy in my class named, "Paul". Paul dropped 50 lbs. last year, just through portion control and by taking the focus off food. He didn't starve himself, he just controlled the amount of what he ate. Now THAT'S logical, isn't it?!? Imagine a world where planning your meals and counting your calories (or points!) doesn't exist. There would be no pressure about what went into your mouth, just the simple tasks of eating when you're hungry and eating until you're full. Seems so basic and yet...
OK, so maybe YOU already live in this world. If that's the case then you got it goin' on..seriously! Me? Not so much. MY world centres around avoiding certain foods and resisting violent urges when I see people who are eating Cinnabons. I've decided to take a page from Paul's book and lose the self-imposed pressure. I'm givin' it up now, people...say it with me....
I (insert name here)
- I will not obsess over the number of calories, fat content or carbohydrates in a peach
- I will not plan my dinner while eating my lunch
- I will not deprive myself of anything I want, including but not limited to cheese, chocolate & Jack Daniels
- I will, however, have only a taste of said "anything" and walk away feeling happy & satisfied
- I will eat only when I am hungry & not because John, Kate & 8 are breaking up
- I will eat until I am full, then step away from the plate
- I will eat slowly enough so that my brain can actually register when I am full
- I will look myself in the mirror every day and say "you ROCK!!!"
'nuff said. Everybody say "Amen"!
G'night, poppits!
(a) yt xox
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