Sunday, August 30, 2009

Alaska IS "God's Country"!

Whether you believe in God or not, which I do, you can gaze at the natural beauty of Alaska and question the existence of a higher being. Simply put, humankind would never be able to create such wonder!

Hello poppits! I am back and still on Alaskan time, which is why I'm typing with such feverish energy at 10:34 pm!

Well, it was an AMAZING trip. I joined the other 4 travelers in Vancouver where we hung out for a day, meeting up with old friends (The Hamades). The weather was awesome and so was the company. John, Lorry, Sandra and Joanne were in great spirits, having had 4 days of fab weather and good sight seeing. They all love Vancouver...what's not to love?!?

We boarded the cruise ship Wednesday afternoon and just hung out until we left port. I got my first experience with the voluminous food that was to taunt me for the rest of the week...oie! For those of you who have never been on a cruise, lemme paint a little picture....

- imagine sections of hot food ... everywhere ... all the time ...
- imagine the food sections with various countries of Mexican...Chinese...Greek...dessert....
- imagine every kind of food you want ... then imagine a never-ending supply of said food...
- imagine this food representing all of the essential food dairy...and protein...and fruit..and dessert...

So, I indulged a little bit...ok, that is a bare-faced LIE! I indulged ALOT. Even though after every meal I said the same thing..."OMG! I can't believe I ate so much!" and rolled back to my cabin. While it was, indeed, a glorious pig trough the entire time, I did manage to get four workouts for the duration. Well, actually three really hard workouts (like sweating and hating the machine workout) and one walk around the ship workout. I stepped on the scale today (it took me two days to work up the courage) and found I was up only 2 lbs. from my last weigh in. That's miraculous, to be truthful, so I'm waiting until my "official" weigh in tomorrow. We'll see where that goes!

Before I left, I did a self-directed, (insert expletive here) sled pull and saw Roland and Werner. Roland forewarned me of the "evil buffets", but I pish-poshed at him and touted my self control. Who was I trying to kid?!? So confidant was I in my ability to resist the evil buffets, that I committed to The Evil One that I would be down 5 lbs. by the time I returned. I brain dead?!? What was I thinking?!? So, basically, I have ... um ... two days now ... to purge myself of 7 lbs. Any suggestions on how to do that, without causing myself to go into shock or murder mode?!? Sigh....I can only imagine the next step....

I'm looking forward to this month, though. I have my third and final week of the Adler course work this month and my practicum starts. Yeah! I'm a little nervous about getting clients for the practicum, so if anyone's interested in career coaching, executive coaching, management coaching or life coaching, give me a call! My rate is real cheap. so get me early!!!

OK...end of shameless plug...

Well poppits, although I enjoyed my trip I must admit that it's good to be home. Believe it or not, I enjoyed my last 2 days of non-gourging. It was nice not to want to visit a vomitorium after every meal!

I hope you are all well. Thanx for sticking with me!

BTW, if you want to see pics of my Alaska trip, feel free to go on to Facebook and check 'em out.
(a)yt xox


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