Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hold on to your skirts, poppits...

..a storms a-brewin'!!

Once again, we seem to be in the endless weather turmoil of back-to-back thunderstorms. I don't know what's going on, but it sure is a wacky weather summer for us! Weather like this just makes me want to curl up with a good book or movie and escape everything - the disaster that is my home; the outstanding homework assignments; the many administrative things I should be doing for my work - see why I want to escape! But alas...I have not allowed myself to indulge completely. No sirree, bub...I've done a few good things to keep me moving forward. Like.....
- I walked 6.7KM of the 10KM path I mapped out Saturday
- I went with Lorry and walked around Crawford Lake Sunday morning
- I have regained control of my bad-boy eating habbits
- I completed one of my Adler coaching assignments today, forwarding to my buddy Svetlana for review and comments before submitting to the rest of the group
- I purchased some spiffy organization boxes and magazine holders to put my office supplies into, so it can look schwanky AND be organized

These are all good things, aren't they?!? Lately I'm in verbal "self-flagellation mode", abusing myself whenever I get the opportunity. I'd say my inner critic "Michelle" is working overtime! Yeesh..."my place is a pig sty" (which it is!); "my plants are drooping so water them already"(which they are); heck! even my hair is not above reproach! OK, it really is time to refresh my colour and let's face it, the humidity in the air is never helpful, but yikes! I can't even look in the mirror without rolling my eyes and praying for eternal darkness. This is not a good thing, is it?!?

Tell me that other people experience this level of self-doubt and self-abuse?!? Surely to goodness I can't be the only one who's going through this...am I?!?

Well, in the spirit of being the friggin' Ambassador of Positivity, I need to remind myself of some of the great things I've got going on in my life...for the love of God....

OK, here goes...
- how 'bout those friends and family, people?!? Like new-found gift, Maggie, who is committed to doing a hike with me, even if it kills us both! Or what about my sibs & nieces/nephews who CONTINUE to make me proud to know them? And what about all the folks I've met through my Adler courses? These people rock, ya know! And for those who continuously read my blog, despite the inconsistency in my entries...thank you for that support. It's so great to know that SOMEONE is listening!!

- how 'bout all the good stuff happening with the coaching career...like the 6 sessions I just did in Chatham...and the individual clients I have...and the courses I'm taking through Adler...and the stuff I get to do through the Association of Career Professionals? All good stuff....

- oh, and how 'bout the fact that, even though I struggle on occasion, losing focus and patience, I'm still down 47 lbs. from a year ago?!? Not to mention I'm the most active I've ever been in my life.


Ya know, I've always felt that it's not always a good thing to "toot your own horn". I was brought up to be humble and to not worry about recognition...just do your best. Well, forget that my brothers & sisters!! Toot away! It's so great to acknowledge the good things in your life and how you've been instrumental in bringing them to life. Oh sure, give credit to others, when it's required. BUT at the end of the day, if you can't accept the greatness in yourself, how can others accept it?!?

So, I encourage you to write down all the wonderful things about you. If you can't think of any, email me and I'm sure I'll be able to think of at least 10 things for each of you! That's why you make me proud to know you....

Feeling good, poppits...feeling good!!
(a)yt xox


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