Friday, February 12, 2010

Hello and happy Family Day weekend!

Greetings from Chatham, poppits!

As appropriate for the holiday, I am spending the weekend with sisters Lorry & Bea, brother Tom, Sister-in-law Dianne and niece Lisa. As a matter of fact, I'm sitting in front of my bro's big ass TV watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. It's all very cool. I just saw the athletes from Georgia walk through...very sad! Note that the Native & Inuit dancers have been bouncing for the whole time...yowza! Now THAT'S stamina!

Well, it has been an AMAZING week for me. Lots of great stuff happening as a result of the networking meetings I've been having. I feel truly blessed at the opportunities that are being presented to me. It's like everything I've visualized and imagined for myself is coming to fruition. It's WAY cool. The old me...the one who focused on limitations and not possibilities... would've worried about how things are coming together..ya know, when is the bubble going to burst?!?

Not so ....the NEW me is all about the possibilities I imagined that are now coming to be. It's so cool how things are working out. I have opportunities for some great contracting positions, both on my own and with another company. When they work out, I will be having a rockin' good time!

In addition to the cool stuff happening on the work front, I met an amazing woman. Her name is Donna Messer and she owns a company called "ConnectUs Canada". She's the networking guru in Canada. I had the privilege of meeting Donna this week and she gave me some GREAT ideas for promoting my blog and my climb of The Inca Trail. The ideas just flowed from her like a wonderful waterfall. It was so amazing to see how her mind just clicked and put out these great thoughts....impressive!

So, as I've been riding high this week, I've been grappling with the concept of what is and is not in my control...and what I actually WANT to have in my control. For example, what I put in my mouth and how I exercise is all within my control (well, except for when I'm with The Evil One and have ZERO control). How I interact with people I network with is also within my control. What isn't in my control is what those people do next for me. For example, one of the opportunities I received was from a contact I met last week with whom I had no work synergy at all. However, I made a good enough impression on him where he referred me to one of his clients for work that wasn't within his area of expertise. See what I'm sayin', poppits?!? I'm not really sure where I'm going with this, other than to say that my plaque has reappeared on my kitchen counter. My constant reminder that the really important stuff is better left in the hands of a greater force...God, The Universe, Karma...whatever you believe. Just remember....


Wishing you a safe and fun Family Day!
(a)yt xox


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