Thursday, February 18, 2010

Is it possible to appreciate EVERYTHING?!?

That's the mood I'm in right now, truth be told! How different is my mood NOW?!? Just 2 days after my last I-hate-myself-'cuz-I'm-unmotivated-and-cranky blog entry. Do you think I could be manic? Maybe a maniac...

Well, it's been a coupla days of networking, finalizing some business and incredible opportunities. Plus, I've been exercising and eating better so that always helps. You know, I have to admit that I've got some AMAZING people in my life, and these past two days have helped me to realize that even more. Lemme tell you what's been going on....

So, as I mentioned before, there have been some great synergies happening in my life. Opportunities presenting themselves as a result of my networking. These opportunities align very well with my vision around my business...the three "pillars" of ymt Strategies, so to speak. After having identified and articulated just what the HECK I want to do, I can see lots of great things happening to help me get there. It's all very cool if you sit back and look at it objectively. I'm happy to share the synergies with anyone who wants to buy me a coffee, so just let me know. In a nutshell, what I'm getting is not only possibility, but actual financial return...i.e. some dough to come my way as a result. This is welcomed and appreciated for sure!!

What's even cooler, if you can believe it, are the synergies/ideas that I'm getting around my journey and everything attached to it...this blog, the book, seminars, etc. I'm feeling like this sharing my story has become my "calling" the area of coaching, around developing workshops, in holding support groups. I'm getting all sorts of messages that this is what I should continue to focus on. In sharing my story and my vision of this blog and it's impact, I'm getting constant reinforcement that my story will help alot of other people...along with some very practical ideas on how to promote my message! It's all really neat to see.

OK, so maybe some of you are reading this and thinking "is she for real?!?" I hear ya and wonder about that myself. BUT this is where the "Leap and the net will appear" comes into play. It's the peaceful feeling in my heart that my story can help others. It's the burning passion I feel around helping others find their own strength and resources to help themselves. And let's face it, poppits, each and every one of you has what it takes to be totally freakin' AWESOME at whatever it is you want to do.
This whole everyone-has-awesomeness belief is what drives me to get up in the morning. To help people discover their own inner awesomeness.

OK, so maybe my "passion" is a tich overwhelming...I get it and will stop now. Quite frankly, I don't know where I get my strength to even type, given I had a workout with The Evil One today and am facing more stairs tomorrow. I'm up to doing 1,000 stairs now, which is quite a feat. But I'm beginning to question my sanity on that one. Oh sure, I can see the value of doing stairs for Machu Picchu...and yes, stairs help with the cardio and endurance...and yes, even though I get bruises on my chest, carrying the 15 lb. dumbells on my shoulders is good for me...blah, blah, the end of the day, it's not fun. It's boring. Know what I mean, Jelly Bean?!?

HOWEVER, I am facing another hike to Rattlesnake Point Sunday. Remember this hike, poppits? This is the one where we had to climb a gate to get into and out of the hiking area. Well, guess what? We're going to hike that same gate Sunday and I'm not looking forward to it. Oh, I'll get over it, no doubt with the support of the mysterious hands on bum and the angel hands lifting my leg, but I'll still feel like a boob at the end of it. The good news is that the 60-something woman who kicked my ass hopping over it the last time won't be there Sunday. Some consolation, eh?!?

WAIT!! I forgot about my commitment to look at possibilities instead of let me reframe my view on approaching the dreaded's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna put my leg up on the gate. Then I'm gonna get the strength from all the squats and step ups I've been doing and hoist my arse to the top of the gate. Then I'm gonna feel the benefit of the stretching and yoga I've been doing and LIFT my leg over the gate onto the other side. Then I'm gonna swing my other leg over the gate and jump, gracefully, onto the other side. OK, so gracefully might be a long shot...I'm gonna jump onto the other side without falling on my face. Feeling better now....

Well, it's 10:15 at night and goodness knows I can use some beauty sleep, so it's time I dragged my sore bum and legs to bed.

Here's wishing you pleasant dreams of possibilities, prosperity and peace, poppits! Oh, and maybe Brad or Angelina might join in your dreams for a little fun time!!

(a) yt xox


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