Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sometimes the grass is not always that green

Well, it's been 4 days of my new food adventure and let me tell ya, it's been a bit hellacious. I've had some real challenges sticking to the diet of protein shakes and chicken & veggies and, to be truthful, I slipped up a few times.

But, I did have some
- I worked out at LPS three days (keeping my "contract" with The Evil One)
- I did a sweat-my-ass-off hill program on the treadmill today
- I avoided shoving my face into the birthday cake of my great nephew, Lucas
- I did not mug the senior lady in my building who was giving away the candy bags on Halloween
These are all good things, poppits.

Now that I think about it, I actually had a "moment of glory" for myself. Please allow me to toot my own horn for a moment...setting the scene...

I just did a workout at LPS; it's day 2 of ass-tasting shake, chicken & veggies. I'm at Union Station waiting for my GO Train. I'm so hungry my stomach is growling loud enough that people are starting to line up in front of me thinking I'm one of the trains. Are ya with me?!?

I see an "empty" seat in between a woman, eating a chocolate bar and a man, sleeping, holding a McDonald's bag. In between them is a seat with a napsak on it. Because I'm masochistic and there really isn't another seat, I go for the seat between chocolate bar and McDonald's. I ask them to move the bag and the guy wakes up long enough to move the napsak...but he's still holding on to the McDonald's bag, which I notice has french fries in it. By now, my sense of smell has been heightened beyond belief and I swear I can smell the chocolate chips they're putting into the Mrs. Fields cookies on the other side of Union Station. Needless to say, I want those fries in a BAD WAY!!!

I sit between the lady (who has eaten the chocolate bar and is now shining up a red, juicy apple to eat) and french fries. I become fixated on the shiny red apple, running up and down the arm...rotating as it moves...getting shinier...and shinier...I watch the apple as it rises to the mouth and a bite is taken. I swallow before I drool...then I notice french fries man has started to snore...which makes me focus on him...and his french fries...glistening with oil...and salt...loosely being gripped by The Snorer...almost ready to fall out of their paper packet...into the bag that holds a wrapper...that used to hold a hamburger...or cheeseburger....or Filet 'o' Fish...

Then I feel the hunger pain in my stomach and think...


Which I do...and go and stand by the monitors...waiting for the platform to be posted so I can flee this fresh hell I am living within.

The Evil One warned me I should get used to hunger, but he didn't warn me that I would do horrible, self-inflicting torturous things like sit between chocolate bar/apple & french fries. There's something psychological in that, isn't there?!? As my mom would say, I've finally "flipped my pizza".

"What was my 'moment of glory'", you ask? Well, did I reach over and eat The Snorer's french fries? No! Or did I grab the shiny, red apple from the lady? No again! These are the moments to celebrate and I'll take 'em when I can, dammit! Crisis averted...

The rest of the week seemed more normal for me. I cooked dinner for my friends, Ayumi & Jennine, Friday night. These are two peeps from my improv days. Mind you, they've managed to make a living as professional actors/comediennes/writers. Perhaps because they're far more talented and much hotter than I am...that's ok, they loved my cooking! Anyway, it was INSPIRATIONAL conversation and wonderful to see them, even if they held me down and forced me to eat carbs...tee hee...

So it's time to put the challenges of the week behind me and to look forward to the week ahead. As Anne of Green Gables would say, "Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it"....gotta love that!

Enjoy your new day, poppits!!
(a) yt xox


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