Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Things that make me go "hmmmm"...

Greetings & salutations on this 4th day of November. Happy Birthday to dear friend, Brian!!

Today I had a coaching session with a wonderful client. At the end of our conversation, we started to discuss what a "bad person" looks like. It got me thinking about myself and the whole "Ambassador of Positivity" thing. Overall, I think I'm a pretty decent person, with always the best of intentions, especially now that I'm away from the corporate world and the influence of "she-who-must-not-be-named". However, I got to thinking about times when I wasn't always at my best, most positive self.

It's time for me to come clean and tell you when I have broken the Ten Commandments of Positivity. Forgive me poppits, for I have cursed...

1) You shall have no other bargains before me - I don't know about you, but when I see a sale on something and it's the last item, I can get pretty ugly. Embarrassing as it is to admit, I've actually elbowed a woman away from a pair of gloves I wanted in Costco. I know, it's bad, but I get all caught up in the can't-pass-up-a-deal thing and lose it.

2) You shall not make a carved image of anything that is carbs or dairy, no matter of what it is made - Admittedly, I've thought so much about carbs and dairy (as you well know) that I've tried to imagine them in the form of carrots or brussel sprouts. Trust me, it is neither positive nor pleasant when the realization that a "carrot is just a carrot" sets in.

3) You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain ... uh, yeah...hmmmm...traffic, people in the "8 items or less" line with more than 8 items, malls at Christmas, hang nail...get the picture?!?

4) Remember the treadmill, to keep it active - there are days when I just don't want to workout and let's face it, I'm just not nice about it. Can you say "big, fat whiner", boys & girls?!?

5) Honour your protein and your veggies - Well, 'nuf said on this one since you've lived through my not-so-positive blogs when I don't honour the diet....or I'm honouring the diet and hating every moment of it!

6) You shall not murder even if the person is eating Dairy Queen - OK, so I haven't ACTUALLY committed murder, but there are many times when I've fantasized about causing death. Remember the time I wanted to push the woman onto the GO Train platform for eating a gooey, chocolatey, ice cream thingy?!?

7) You shall not cheat on your fat intake - ah, I remember the day when I was told I couldn't eat sweet potato fries...shameful, really ...

8) You shall not steal, borrow or buy your way onto the red carpet at the Film Festival - Unfortunately, there are many security guards who have blushed at my unladylike behaviour and/or my creative use of profanity...sigh...

9) You shall not bear false witness against your food diary - inevitably the scale reveals all and when that happens, it ain't pretty or in point when I wanted to staple The Evil One's lips shut when he said my weight out loud.

10) You shall not covet your neighbour's chocolate cake...or your sister's caramel apple pie ... or your brother's Stone Cold Creamery Sundae...or your friend's Apple Fritter - puh-lease! Covet schmovet, I've been known to lay BIG TIME guilt trips on people for eating this food in front of me. I've also threatened bodily harm, which does NOT fall into optimal "Ambassador of Positivity" behaviour.

OK, so clearly I have alot of work to do to fulfill the Ambassador of Positivity obligations. BUT, I'm willing to cut myself some slack because, although I WANT to take down the Cinnabon eater, I have yet to do it. To me, that's the difference between good & evil, sane vs. insane, on the edge or over the edge.

G'night poppits...and behave!!!
(a) yt xox


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