Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday, April 26th 2009

'Tis a bleary Sunday today and all I want to do is watch my Harry Potter movies - I'm addicted! Right now I'm watching the scene in The Prisoner of Askaban (#3) where Harry makes the mean sister of Mr. Dursley puff up and float away...karma baby, that's all I've got to say!

Well, it's been a while since I've last typed. I've been busy and, to be quite frank, just decided to take a break. I hope you don't mind. BUT, lots of good things have been going on, so I'll tell you about them.

On the health front....I continue my 3 workouts/week. For some reason, the bike is really taking alot out of me. While the tension is higher and I'm trying to keep the speed up, my heart is really racing after only 10 minutes. I think I'll be in trouble if this happens on the Inca Trail. I've decided I need to start working the cardio a little more, so I'm committing to doing the treadmill at home, hill program, at least one day a week. We'll see how it goes. That will start this afternoon. In the meantime, I'm still sticking to the 9 hour window and the reduced "Caveman Diet". It's been alot easier since I "jumped off the wagon" last weekend. Perhaps I needed a chocolate fix to move on.

On the career front, some good stuff going on. I can see the path towards my career of coaching becoming more clear all the time. It's amazing how things work when you decide on something. I can't tell you how happy I am with this decision!

Thursday I did my workout at LPS...the one I'm supposed to do on my own....with no interference from The Evil One...ya know?!? Well, I was doing my sandbag walk and Werner said "it's getting easy for you, isn't it?" It was, but there's no way I was going to let HIM know that so of course I denied it...that's just a "little white lie", right?!? Anyway, even though he was working with ANOTHER client, Mr. Mind-Everyone-Else's-Business told me to put the bag on my shoulder, walk across the gym floor, up the stairs and, are you ready for this OUT THE DOOR AROUND THE BUILDING, and back into the gym.

Now...let me paint you a visual picture of the "workout yt"....I wear a brightly cloured tshirt (you know how I like colours), dark workout pants (some that are now getting a tich big), generally hairy legs, ankle socks and white & pink shoes....oh yeah, no makeup and a black head band that pulls all my hair back from my face ... usually with the bangs sticking up and out from the head band...can you see me now?!?

So, you can understand why I started to laugh HYSTERICALLY when Evil One suggested I go outside. I said "Wait a minute! You want POSITIVE advertising for the gym, not ME!!" He replied with "C'mon Yvonne, get going. It's a nice day, go on!" he was deaf or something. So, I decided to appeal to Clance, the owner. I said, in a pleading voice, "Clance, I don't have to do this, do I?!?" To which Clance replied, shaking his head and putting his hands up, "Hey, you follow Werner. It's up to him." Then I appealed to his sense of power..."But you're the boss. If you say I don't have to do it, he'll listen to you." Then, big, strong, all-powerful Clance said "It's really up to Werner. I'm not getting involved."...chicken!

Sooooooo, off I go, with the 40 lb. bag of sand on my shoulder, walking around the building...dodging the two cars in the alley on my right, the smokers at the front and back of the building, and the brick wall to my left. It was so much fun...NOT!!! I took my consolation in knowing that the bag on my shoulder hid my face. On my journey, touring the building 10x, I encountered Luis, one of the guys who works out everyday who said "Are you f-ing kidding?!?" and then laughed at me! Admittedly, it was much harder than just walking across the gym floor, so the workout was better. However, by the 10th round, I was bouncing between the wall and the cars trying to keep my balance. Just as I was heading into the building, a guy that looked homeless said to me "Can I help you with that, sweetheart?" And they say chivalry is dead....

Well, off to continue my Harry Potter marathon....

Until next week, good eating!
(a)yt xox

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday, April 22nd 2009


Good news all around, poppits! Yesterday, I weighed in at LPS and my-new-best-friend-the-scale showed me down 2 lbs. making me only 1 pound from my goal of losing 15 lbs by the end of April. I know I'm gonna make it. Saturday's discretion is past me and I'm motivated to get busy and lose the weight. Rock on, people, ROCK ON!!!

Lots to be excited about...down another 2 lbs., exercising is going well, have another possibility on a coaching gig..all good stuff!

Today I spoke with Emmanuel, aka "Motivator Man" and "motivated" I am! We had a great chat and Emmanuel planted some seeds about how to take my blog and turn it into coaching tips. I was pretty nervous when Emmanuel first mentioned it because I've always viewed this blog as my very personal thoughts on my journey to good, really personal! But what Emmanuel made me think about is how some of my thoughts could motivate others. It's an interesting perspective and I'm definitely going to think about how to work it out. Mind you, I'll edit out the parts where I want to commit violence against poor, unsuspecting people eating junk food....why scare people unncecessarily?!? Anyway, it's good food for thought. I think Emmanuel will help me to try new things and think about potential opportunities. He is so optimistic and positive and just a pleasure to speak with. This is going to be a good, new relationship....shout out to Emmanuel ... my new friend and a new blog viewer!

Tomorrow I'm off to get my taxes done and then to LPS for workout #3 and some marketing work for Clance. I should say a special "thank you" to The Evil One for helping me deal with my knees yesterday. I gotta tell you he's working hard to keep me exercising, despite my whining about my ailments. Every obstacle I give him...knees, back, etc... he just keeps coming back with new exercises to keep me sweating! I actually felt sorry for him yesterday when he was doing some fascial massage on my knee. WHY I felt sorry for him was because I hadn't shaved my legs - oie! I wouldn't wish that sensation on anyone, not even Werner-the-evil-trainer.

On that note...this is the Ambassador of Positivity signing off!!
(a)yt xox

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday, April 20th, 2009

Oh-My-GAWD!!! That's all I can say...are you sitting down as this will be a long one?!?

As I mentioned, I went to Michigan for a wedding. I stayed with my cousin Pete & Kelly and they were FABULOUS expected! I drove Thursday afternoon, to the wonderful narration of Harry Potter's 7th book. It was a good ride, packed with good snacks and 5 hours of escape.

We chillaxed and had dinner at home, joined by daughter Angela, hubby Joe and ADORABLE daughter Sophia. I was telling whoever would listen of the drama that is my "journey to good health". Kelly was making pasta with homemade sauce and I was resigned to blowing my diet on the first day. Fortunately, Angela came up with a solution of cooking up grilled chicken strips with the sauce, so I didn't have to compromise - shout out to Ange for saving my bacon! Friday was also a good day and Kelly made a "Caveman Diet compatable" dinner of fish and lots of veggies. She rocks! Saturday...well, now....that's a whole other story.

Everything was fine until I arrived at the wedding. I knew I was in trouble when I had devoured a spring roll (the deep fried kind) before I even said "hello" to anyone! That was the beginning of my downfall. It's time to come clean, my brothers & sisters. I fell off the diet IN A BIG WAY Saturday. There was a chocolate fountain...need I say more?!? The only solace I take is that I resisted the temptation to sit at the fountain with my mouth open under the dripping chocolate. So instead, I dipped two BIG strawberries and, are you ready for this, an oreo cookie into the chocolate. And that's not all...I had two drinks....alcoholic beverages, my's true! Needless to say I was buzzing like a bee for most of the night...until I came crashing down about 12:30! I woke up feeling a bit a nauseous...karma?!? Sunday and today were much better, so I'm sure I'm back on track.

So, fessing up to you guys is difficult enough. When The Evil One asked me the dreaded question "How was your eating this weekend?", I knew it was time to pay the piper. After I told him, Werner shook his head and gave me a "look". I'd seen that look only one time before. It was from my kindergarten teacher after she discovered that I claimed another student's artwork as my own...well, actually, I did tell her that Mitchell gave it to me after she gave me a big smiley face on the work...that's when she gave me "the look". She shook her head too, btw. Anyway, it's a look that combines disgust and disappointment. I don't ever want to see that look again, so I'm committed to remaining on track again - oie for the look!

Leaving you on a positive note, I navigated the underground PATH system from LPS to Union Station for the first time. I'm quite proud of this achievement as it's a bit of a pain since the signs aren't all that clear - especially to someone directionally challenged like me. I still prefer the fresh air and open space of the outdoor route to the crowded, underground path with way too many tempting retail stores. It's easier for me to resist pushing someone out of the way then it is for me to resist a good Danier Leather sale! Anywho, it was great to get to the GO Train dry and warm via an underground walk!

Well folks, that's all for now. Tomorrow will be spent hanging at LPS doing some marketing stuff and a workout with The Evil One. I know he will torture me moreso than usual, but I'll be seeing Bill afterward and will be sure to get alot of sympathy!

Take care, poppits!
(a)yt xox

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday, April 16th 2009

Happy one-more-day-before-a-gorgeous-weekend!! Weather is planning to cooperate, as I understand.

I had a VERY busy day yesterday, meeting with Emmanual Lopez (aka Motivator Man). He's an award winning artist who has turned into a motivational speaker/blogger/author/musician. You name it, Emmanual has done it! We met to see how we could help each other, besides exchanging positive energy and all! We've decided to meet weekly, whether it's for a coffee or over the phone. That will be good for me. He's smart and connected and I think it will be a good fit. Everything happens for a reason, right?!?

Met with John Fini, financial advisor extraordinaire, to take care of my very high finances (NOT!!) then lunch with Brian then workout at LPS, then picking up my drycleaning, then shoe shopping...oie! I'm exhausted just thinking back! you permission to hate me!

I've been successful through Day 3 of the Caveman Diet and I'm adjusting well to the 9 hour window. I must admit, though, that this week was not good for an energy level while I was working out. I was huffing and puffing after only 3 minutes on the bike. Don't get me wrong, I did get through all three of the workouts, but it was a real struggle - especially on that damn bike! I've come to hate everything about it - the uncomfortable seat that doesn't have enough padding and is off to the right, just enough to make it really awkward to sit on....the noise it makes so that The Evil One can tell when I fall below the speed of 60 ... the extremely slow timer that can't seem to count down a minute as fast as other clocks...I dunno. I think I need to figure out a way to enjoy it...or at least not hate it. A book? my iPod?!? Any suggestions?!?

Well, today I'm off to get my hair done. I'm sure those who have seen me lately will be saying "Amen and thank you". Then I'm driving to Shelby Township, Michigan to spend the weekend with cousins Pete & Kelly and for a wedding. I've got Harry Potter Book 7 lined up in my 6-CD changer, a lunch bag full of veggies, and good directions. I'm ready for a road trip, baby!!

I won't be able to type until my return on the weekend, so until then...good eating and get out and enjoy the sunshine! BTW, feel free to send positive vibes my way as it may be a tough weekend food-wise for me. I'll just have to dance my legs off to compensate!!

(a)yt xox

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday, April 15th 2009

It's gonna be a lovely day today...yippee!! You know how that will affect my mood. If you're any where near the downtown area, look out for my cheezy, ear-to-ear grin!!

And speaking of "inappropriately dressed"...sandals now?!? People, I don't care if you did get a pedicure, it's too early for sandals. Please, save yourself the potential frostbite and keep the toes covered until May...seriously...

Preparing for the onslaught of protest....

Yesterday was spent schmoozing it up with my old team and having my last official meeting with Barb. Then I worked out with The Evil One. He got pretty creative with his workout options - remember we're protecting my knees. Yesterday, I did the 30 minute go-as-hard-and-as-fast-as-I-can-even-if-I-throw-up-a-lung ride on the bike, then moved the sled with 156lbs. across the floor (one way). Then, to bring the sled back to the other side of the gym, I pulled it...literally, hand over hand pulling with a thick rope, moving the sled across the floor. Of course, it only had 52.5 lbs on it, but still it was a challenge! I'll give Werner credit for his creativity. No stinkin' knee issue will stop that guy from giving me a heart-pounding, non-stop thrill ride of a workout!

I have some not-so-good news...according to the yt scale, I'm up 1/2 lb. and up 1 lb. according to the LPS scale. This does not make me happy, but since Werner didn't freak out, I took some comfort. He said that body fluctuations are "normal". Seems to be a different tune from last week, but I'm going with it.

Had day 2 of my Caveman Diet...ate lots of protein and veggies within my 9 hours, so that was good. Sweet cravings were non-existent, although I did miss the cheese & croutons on my caesar salad...but, waddaya gonna do?!?

Today, I'm back downtown to meet "Motivator Man" for coffee in the morning...should be a fun time! I have workout #3 this week, then back home for dinner and a pyjama party with BFF Bill.

BTW, I have a lead (thanx to Barb) on possibly doing some coaching work with Felix Global. This could happen fairly soon, providing he likes me and my skills match the work. Barb seems to think it's a match, so we'll see. Wish me luck, folks!

Have a FAB-U-LOUS day!! Shout out to Joanne, who's now down 35 lbs...rock on, sister!!
(a) yt xox

Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday, April 13th 2009

Greetings & salutations, dudes & babes! Happy Monday! Is everyone suffering from that I-ate-too-much-yesterday-and-couldn't-sleep-well-therefore-I'm-really-tired feeling today?!? Well, join the club!

Thank goodness today was a fairly light activity day, although I did do a workout. It was very weird at the gym as there weren't many people around. I worked out alone and could've cheated on my workout - but what's the point, really? So, I took satisfaction in completing a hard workout where I rode the bike...hard...for 15 minutes, then did the farmer's walk, carrying 36lbs on each arm. I'm paying for it now as my back is sore. No more farmer's walk for me.

'twas a good eating day, with today being the first day of my Caveman Diet. Oh, by the way, green desserts like pistachio ice cream and keylime pie do not fall within the scope of the diet, despite my brother John's very creative approach to them. Damn!

Nothing too exciting to report. It was a fairly low key day, getting my car tires re-aligned in the morning, then an afternoon at gym. No dramas to or from the downtown imagined muggings of innocent by-standers eating Cinnabons to report. I did walk through Laura Secord, but managed to not buy anything. Heck! I didn't even take a sample that was sitting on the counter. Sheesh! how boring am I?!?

Well, perhaps tomorrow's day will be filled with more excitement! I'm back downtown for a few networking meetings, including the last session with my transition coach, hoo!!

Have a good night, poppits...and good eating!!
(a)yt xox

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sunday, April 12th 2009

Happy Easter everyone! I hope your day was filled with family and/or friends and good food! Mine sure was. Lorry & I ventured to Ingersoll to visit sister, Bea, who hosted us for a nice lunch. We ate early so we could be home in time to pick up niece, Jennifer, from work. We had a good visit and good food.

My urges for chocolate were back in full force today. And, the worst part was that I wanted ANY chocolate. Before, at least I was craving the good, Laura Secord chocolate, but I moved past that posh-type craving and into the cram-my-pie-hole-with-even-dollar-store-chocolate cravings.

OK, true confession. I actually stopped at Shoppers Drug Mart on the way home from Lorry's house and bought a bag of Cadbury Eggies - you know, the candy coated, chocolate eggs. I love, love, LOVE those eggs.

I boldly walked up to the Easter candy section, picked up a bag, thinking "screw it, I want this" and paid for them. Then I walked out of the the car...opened the door...sat in the car...held the bag of candy...watched the chubby, little kid walk by holding his chubby dad's hand ...looked down at the bag of candy...out the window at the chubby kid...back to the candy...the whole time I was thinking things like...

"I'm an adult. I can eat what I want."
"It's just one little bag of candy. I'm exercising tomorrow anyway."
"Yvonne, get a grip. It's just a bag of candy!"

Then I tossed the bag out the window, started the engine and drove away...making sure I backed over the damn bag of candy so I wouldn't stop the car, run out, pick it up and eat it! I was so close to giving up all the hard effort I've put in to date. I'm glad I resisted, but I sure felt guilty afterwards! So guilty that I came home and went for an hour's walk!

Tomorrow starts the next chapter of this journey to good health. I begin the "Caveman Diet", which means I eat only protein and green veggies. I've managed to get The Evil One to concede to my eating tomatoes. Clearly he knows I'm a woman on the edge. This time it's for 21 days...another way to kick start the weight loss. Hopefully, I should lose even more than 1.5 lbs. per week.

People have been very clear about their concerns with the methods I'm following. Mostly, they're concerned about my ability to sustain the weight loss, given that I've eliminated pretty much anything worthwhile eating from my diet. At the end of the day, I'm not feeling harmed in any way. The increased exercise routine is a good thing and seeking to control my food intake is also good. I have an addictive personality, especially when it comes to the food category of anything-that is-not-nailed-down, so trying to control what I eat and when I eat it is not a bad thing for me to do. Besides, although I whine like a crazy person, in the scheme of things, the "sacrifices" I'm making are not such a big deal. After all, I do have food to put into my mouth - unlike some people in this world. renewed commitment for the period of April 13th to May 3rd is:
- 9 hour window still remains (despite my groans, threats and tears to The Evil One)
- I get to eat all protein that swims, flies and/or walks...quantities are not limited, btw
- I get to eat vegetables
I no longer have to worry about eating:
- dairy (including soya or goat dairy)
- sugars
- grains
- fruit
Did you notice the whole "Ambassador of Positivity" thing goin' on here?!?

I haven't set another weight loss goal for these 21 days yet, so I'll get back to you on that.

Wish me luck and thanx, as always, for your words of encouragement - even if it's to say "wassamata for you?!?"

Caio for now!
(a)yt xox

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Saturday, April 11th 2009

Hello everyone! Happy Holy Saturday. It's a sunny-but-chilly day in the neighbourhood today. Doesn't matter, though, as the sunshine makes it just glorious!

Well, clearly I've been remiss in my blogging - shame on me! Lemme fill you in on what's been goin' down.

Thursday was spent hangin' with BBF Bill then I headed into the city for a workout and then dinner with Deborah. Friday was with BBF then off to Lorry's for a nice dinner and visit with the family.

For Thursday's workout, I hoisted the 40 lb. sandbag over my shoulder, going from one side of the gym to the other - one way the bag was on the left shoulder, then the other way it was on the right shoulder. I repeated this 10 times, trying to beat my time with each rep. One of the LPS clients, who was working out with Clance at the same time I was walking along the gym floor, made a few comments. One of them was, "hey, you could carry me over your shoulder." He was joking, of course, and really was trying to encourage me. He even commented on how he wished his wife would come in and work out, too. However, being the neurotic freak I am, I immediately felt ...what's the female equivalent of immasculated? effeminated?!? It's bad enough I'm getting calluses and I practically broke Bill's shoulder while we were "fun" wrestling. Now I'm carrying a 40 lb sand bag like it's a sack of potatoes! Seriously, am I being neurotic thinking of myself as "butch" because I can take most of the security guards in my building? Am I less lady-like because I groan and breathe heavily when I lift weights? Does it make me less of woman knowing that my workout "look" (i.e. hair pushed off my face with a headband, no makeup, sweating like there's no tomorrow) could scare all children under 5...and I don't care?!? Perhaps I'm being melodramatic (who? moi?!?), but these are things that worry me sometimes...time to get over myself....

Yesterday, Lorry hosted dinner for me, Tom Dianne & Lisa, Denis & Dianne. It was a good dinner and, as always, we took a trip down memory lane. Lorry was having a jolly good time thinking about events in the past. She's such a good story teller, so inevitably, she had us all in stitches. It was quite fun. What WASN'T fun was my overwhelming cravings for anything sweet. She had chocolate eggs and a caramel apple pie ... oh my! I wanted that pie in a BAD way! I had visions of doing a face plant into the pie and just chewing...mmmm! Honestly, if I didn't know that Lorry would rat me out to Werner, I would've done it. Thank God she's so honest!

I told you this was a bad time of year for me...oie!

Well, today is a new day. I'm off to run some errands then to cousin Sandra's for dinner and a movie. Fortunately, she is also trying to lose weight, so healthy choices will abound!

Happy Easter everyone...or perhaps Passover is more your celebration!
yt xox

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wednesday, April 8th 2009

Hello and sorry for my delayed blogging! It's 4:30 on Wednesday and it has completely slipped my mind that I'd forgotten to update everyone. Clearly, I'm going to hell in a handbasket. What's up with that expression, anyway? My mom used to use it all the time. I'm guessing there are few of us small enough to fit into a "handbasket", so that would be a tough journey...

Well, yesterday was a monumental day for me, when it comes to training and eating. Basically, The Evil One and I had a "come to Jesus". You see, the BASTARD scale at LPS did not show my weight loss of 1.5 lbs. I think I was more freaked out about it then Werner was, but you'll be happy to know no violence was committed. Actually, come to think about it, I didn't even swear. It's because my energy level was really low as I worked out at 9:00 and hadn't had any food since the previous night. Otherwise, I'm not sure what would've happened with that lack of scale movement. God works in mysterious ways....

Had a chat with Werner about the pain in my knees and my goal to climb the Inca Trail. He said my goal was doable "Of course you can do it, Yvonne". In addition, my workout was adjusted, so instead of leg presses, I did two things to compensate:
1) peddaled the bike for 30 sec, with a speed greater than 75 and a tension greater than 4 and
2) carried the 40 lb. sand bag across the gym floor twice

This was a good substitute as my cardio was pretty my heart was pounding so hard it worked it's way up into my head enroute to pounding out my ears at any moment. Ever had that feeling...anyone?!? It ain't fun. On a positive note, I didn't have to have an epsom salt bath last night, although I was hobbling to and from the GO train! The pressure on the knees was definitely better.

Aubrey & I went out for dinner last night, then went to the overview session for the coaching certification program with Adler. Way cool stuff! I'm psyched about it and will definitely be going through it. The curriculuum is very good and everyone seems so nice...and happy...and positive...yeesh!

Well, I have been introduced to my next phase of my journey to good health. I'll tell you tomorrow when I confirm the details with The Evil One. It's not glamourous, like a 9 hour eating window, but it will be a short-term sacrifice for what Werner guarantees to be significant weight loss. I'm in!! What the heck, really...I did say it's time for me to "get busy"!!

Truthfully, have I made any REAL food sacrifices? Do I really need sugar and bread and skim milk, sugar-free vanilla lattes?!? YES, DAMMIT!! but what the hell? I'm 37.5 lbs. lighter than I was in August and I'm on my way to getting into the best shape I've been in for a very long time. So, it's worth it. BTW, feel free to throw these words back at me when I start whining...and you know I WILL start whining!

I'm signing off now in anticipation of BFF Bill's arrival. Hopefully, we'll get a little exercise of our a nice walk around the block...what were YOU thinking?!?

(a) yt xox

Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday, April 6th 2009

Hello from a snowy & cold Mississauga. What happened to the sunshine & warmth of yesterday?!?

Well, let's move on to something more positive. I stepped on the yt scale and am down another 1.5 lbs. I've had a few realizations, poppits, that are really motivating me.
- I'm only 1.5 lbs. from my 15 lb goal
- I have lost, in total, 37.5 lbs. since I started this journey in August
- some of you may have remembered when I was seeing a nutritionist over 10 years ago. In that year, I lost 50 lbs. and was at my lowest weight since moving back to Canada in 1991. I am just 26.5 lbs from that lowest weight. This REALLY excites me because, at that weight, I was feeling really good. It's not my final weight, but it's a good, short-term goal for me.

And speaking of "short-term goals", I went over to Heather's yesterday to hear about an upcoming trip planned to Peru, climbing the Inca Trail. There were several of the women who climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro with Heather in attendance. It was great to meet them all. Talk about "inspirational"! Heather is planning this trip for May 2010. The trip will involve white water rafting, hiking and horseback riding. I'm not sure about the horseback riding, as I've always said that nothing that big will get between my legs without an engagement ring. However, I think the trip itself is a good goal for me to work towards. It gives me a year to prep and get more weight off; a year to train so that I can do the climb; a year to save for it and a year to psychologically prepare myself to sit on top of a horse. I'm gonna go for it...wahoo!!!! Tomorrow I speak with Werner and begin the plan to get me ready.

Today was a good day. I met Jeff & Victor, old CIBC work colleagues, for lunch then did a workout at LPS. I did the bike for 17 minutes and pulled 170 lbs on that @!)&%^! sled. One rep is for me to pull the sled across the gym floor twice. Well, I decided to challenge myself even more, by trying to improve my time with every rep. I started out at 1.21 seconds to complete the rep and ended up with a 1.07 second rep - the last one, where I thought my energy had left my body. It just goes to show you what the body can do when the mind is ready!

I met BBF Bill for dinner, then headed home.

Tomorrow will be a fairly busy day (for me, anyway!), with a 9:00 workout with The Evil One, followed by a session with Barb (transition coach) and coffee with Hema. I'm also excited because Aubrey & I are going to check out and introduction session for the Adler Coaching Certification program. I'm looking forward to hearing about that program.

Well dudes & babes, it's time to get this body into bed. Goodness knows I need my beauty sleep!

Stay warm and stay dry....they're calling for more flurries and a low wind chill tomorrow. Oie!
(a)yt xox

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday, April 5 2009

Hi everyone! Oh my...what a GLORIOUS day! Sunny, rain or wind....ah....

I had a good day yesterday, sleeping in until 10:15, if you can believe it! Then off to run some errands, get a pedicure, have a nap then, bada-bing it was time to meet Joanne & Sandra. Off we ventured to celebrate Tony's birthday with a surprise dinner party arranged by his girlfriend, Carole. It was a nice event and Tony was, indeed, surprised!

I was quite proud of myself. I ate all healthy stuff, and didn't even want the bread that was in front of me...or a glass of wine...or the mashed potatoes...or the REALLY yummy looking apple cheesecake. Nope...not a hankerin' at all! Ate within the 9 hour window, so it was a good day for me! Shout out to Joanne, who is now down 37 lbs. and exercising on a regular basis. Right on, sista!!!

I am sitting at my table getting ready to head to Heather's house for an informal discussion about a trip to Peru she's planning. Heather is the one who lost a bunch of weight, trained her ass off (literally & figuratively!) and climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro last year. We'll see how it goes.

Anyway, I'm kinda proud of myself because I'm wearing my "skinny jeans" and they are actually loose enough to feel comfortable. I'm sure we all have jeans we can wear that are loose ... when we're standing. But, come time to actually sit down, they're tight around the waist, causing the belly to spill forth over the waistband causing the recently-identified phenomenon of "muffin-top". Ya know what I mean? Well, I'm happy to say that these jeans are even loose enough now that I can sit in them and be comfortable. This is a good feeling for me! I'm not quite at the next size down...not yet, anyway...but it's great to be able to wear my skinny jeans and feel comfortable. Motivational, really.

I've been thinking about how I want to kick up my health journey. I've been noodlin' for the past few summers about getting a bike. BBF, Bill has one, so I might just invest. I'm close enough to the lake that I could just peddle down and take a little ride along the lake front. Today would've been a perfect day for a bike ride. Soooooo, that's what I'm thinking about. Does anyone have any thoughts/experiences to share about that? Any other ideas for me? And, no, I will not clean other people's houses as a form of exercise, so don't even go there, Kathy B...:)

Until tomorrow, have a FAB-YOU-LUSS day everyone!
(a)yt xox

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Saturday, April 4th 2009

Hold on to your skirts, poppits, it's a windy one out there! Fortunately there is no rain to go with that wind, like yesterday. I was walking downtown, where my umbrella kept flipping inside out. Poor thing broke, actually, which was very disappointing 'cuz I got it in Greece from a vendor outside the Acropolis. It reminded me of another windy, rainy day...

I'm in my first year of university, heading from the campus bookstore to the room of my friend, Steve, who lived on campus. This is on the campus of Western, for those who don't know where I went to school. Anyway, it's a cold, rainy & windy day - a day I choose to wear a skirt. Can you see where this is going? So, I'm standing on a very busy corner, waiting for a light to turn. Enter HUGE gust of wind...start general chaos & feeling of umbrella flips inside out....and, you guessed skirt flips up...over my head. Then the horns start honking....and the cat calls begin....and I have an overwhelming feeling of helplessness, knowing I can't do anything because both hands are full. Do I drop my books or the umbrella to push down the skirt that is now billowing like a giant, blue tarp around my head? Mercifully, the light changes and the wind dies down before I have to make that choice. With my skirt once again around my hips, I walk the short block to Sydenham Residence, carrying my inside out umbrella, my heavy book bag and my red-as-a-tomato face.

You can imagine, however, the scar that day has left upon my ego. I still won't wear a skirt when it's raining! OK...ending trip down memory lane...

I had to re-read my last entry to see where I left off. It appears I need to catch you up on both Thursday and Friday.

Thursday, was a glorious, warm sunny day and a perfect day to meet Duane, Aubrey and new friend, Sylvie at the same Starbucks' where I had my almost-table-dance to Frank Sinatra's "My Way". Coincidence? I think not....Aubrey & Duane are rockin' & rollin' on their good work, strumming up business. They approached Sylvie & I to see about contracting with them on one of their upcoming projects. We both said "uh, YEAH!" and now we wait! Besides all the laughing and corny jokes (compliments of Aubrey), we had some good chats about career transitioning. Sylvie was also given a package from a company for whom she worked for 15 years. 'tis a bad world out there now, poppits. I hope you are all shielded from it's negative impact.

The rest of Thursday was spent hanging out about the house. Eating was all good, although I was experiencing a real hungry day. I did manage to stay within my eating window, but felt I ate alot of food. I had my homemade chili, grapes and a big Greek salad. Perhaps it was all the fibre, but I felt pretty stuffed for most of the day!

Friday was spent in town, walking around in the rain and wind. I started out with straight-ish hair and ended up looking like a poodle. Not that anyone cares, but it was DEFINITELY a bad hair day!

I went to a networking session of some of the independant coaches associated with ACPI and we had a good session brainstorming ideas on how to grow our businesses. While I have lots to do, like, um, GET business, I learned alot. I also met some great people who offered to meet with me for coffee and share their experiences...awesome!

Lunch was a salad with Thom. He's just SUCH a great guy and an amazing, valuable friend. I've known him for so long and he has often provided keen, intuitive advice. And, he's a really good human being. I love having people like this in my life!

Worked out at LPS doing the "farmer's walk" and rode the bike for 16 minutes. An extra minute on the bike and extra 2 lbs/bar. Needless to say, I was glad when the 10th rep was finished!

Back to Mississauga where niece, Jennifer, and I had dinner and went to see Duplicity. I can NOT believe Jennifer will be 20 years old this summer. She has turned into such an amazing young woman. Funny, smart, insightful, mature, silly, logical, compassionate...all wrapped up in a hot package! She continuously amazes me and I am SOOO proud of her!

Well, that's about it for now. I'm thinkin' I should get my fat arse off the chair and start the day. It's now 11:27 - I slept in until 10:15...ah, the joy of not having to set the alarm!

Oh, shout out to Tony & Kathy who are celebrating birthdays today!

TTFN my lovelies!
(a)yt xox

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday, April 2nd 2009

Looking at another glorious day in the 'hood! As you know, I live for the sunshine, so today's gonna be a really good day...I can just tell!

As mentioned in yesterday's entry, I met Hema and Kathy for lunch. Although I see Kathy at least once a month, I haven't seen Hema in YEARS. She still looks the same and has that great little giggle-type laugh. Lunch was filled with good conversation and a seafood salad, so all was good.

Headed into TO for my workout on the 2:50 GO Train. The workout was quite painful, truth be told. My right knee was giving me trouble causing some challenges on the leg press. However, on a positive note, I managed to lift and push more weight than ever before. The Evil One was a bit subdued. Perhaps it was because he knew I was on the verge of tears (or throwing up) so many times. I guess his instincts must've told him to tread carefully as I could be moved to violence. It's amazing the thoughts that PMS can drive me to. BTW, I thought you were supposed to get some endorphins when you worked out and that they were supposed to give you happy thoughts? Is it possible they could give someone to have the opposite in traffic?!?

Anyway....I carried my sore ass home on the 5:43 GO Train and spent the rest of the night catching up on my PVR'd shows. I have shows saved since Feb. 2nd that I haven't watched...and yet...all I could think about was the 6th Harry Potter book on my bedstand calling my name! I snuggled up with HP after my lavendar epsom salts bath. He's no BBF Bill, but Harry is a good substitute when you want a little adventure in the bedroom!

Speaking of "advemture"... I'm off to meet Duane & Aubrey for another AFOOFA meeting (All For One & One For All). I'm not sure what those boys are cookin' up, but I know whatever it is will be a tasty treat!

Ooh--forgot to mention that Kathy Buckworth's latest book, "The BlackBerry Diaries" is available now. Check it out...she's hilarious! If you want a taste of her writing style, visit her website at

Enjoy the day, poppits!
a(yt) xox

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wednesday, April 1st 2009

Happy April Fool's Day everyone! If any of you are little tricksters, just remember about the lovely and talented "Karma" who keeps the balance of life!!

Yesterday I went into the city, hanging with Bill for a bit then off to LPS for a self-guided workout. I rode the bike for 15 minutes (not my choice) and carried a 40 lb. bag of sand across the gym floor. I kept hearing "Keep your bum down and your head up, Yvonne." No, Werner was not being naughty, rather coaching me on the proper way to lift the friggin' sand bag. I have to tell you, by the 8th round of carrying this bag, I was exhausted. Not to mention that I had a big, ole sweat patch in my mid-drift area where I held the bag. Lovely visual, isn't it?!? It's a wonder I'm still single....

After the workout, I headed to the KPMG offices for another networking event with the Association of Certified Professionals - Toronto chapter. All coaches and all really great people. I saw Barb, my transition coach, who introduced me to several people all night. She was so awesome! It was a great presentation on transitioning people who have international placements and how to support them and their spouses/partners. Quite informative!

Overall, a good day - good, heathly eating (omelette, salmon & salad). I've noticed my water intake is down, so I'm determined to bump that up again. BTW, the stars aligned again between the LPS scale and my scale, so I am officially down another 1.5 lbs. YIPPEE!!!

Today I'm off to meet Hema and Kathy for lunch at The Apricot Tree, then into TO for a workout with The Evil One. Will someone please call me tonight to make sure I'm still alive after the workout? Much appreciated!

Love from the Drama Queen...
(a)yt xox