Saturday, April 4, 2009

Saturday, April 4th 2009

Hold on to your skirts, poppits, it's a windy one out there! Fortunately there is no rain to go with that wind, like yesterday. I was walking downtown, where my umbrella kept flipping inside out. Poor thing broke, actually, which was very disappointing 'cuz I got it in Greece from a vendor outside the Acropolis. It reminded me of another windy, rainy day...

I'm in my first year of university, heading from the campus bookstore to the room of my friend, Steve, who lived on campus. This is on the campus of Western, for those who don't know where I went to school. Anyway, it's a cold, rainy & windy day - a day I choose to wear a skirt. Can you see where this is going? So, I'm standing on a very busy corner, waiting for a light to turn. Enter HUGE gust of wind...start general chaos & feeling of umbrella flips inside out....and, you guessed skirt flips up...over my head. Then the horns start honking....and the cat calls begin....and I have an overwhelming feeling of helplessness, knowing I can't do anything because both hands are full. Do I drop my books or the umbrella to push down the skirt that is now billowing like a giant, blue tarp around my head? Mercifully, the light changes and the wind dies down before I have to make that choice. With my skirt once again around my hips, I walk the short block to Sydenham Residence, carrying my inside out umbrella, my heavy book bag and my red-as-a-tomato face.

You can imagine, however, the scar that day has left upon my ego. I still won't wear a skirt when it's raining! OK...ending trip down memory lane...

I had to re-read my last entry to see where I left off. It appears I need to catch you up on both Thursday and Friday.

Thursday, was a glorious, warm sunny day and a perfect day to meet Duane, Aubrey and new friend, Sylvie at the same Starbucks' where I had my almost-table-dance to Frank Sinatra's "My Way". Coincidence? I think not....Aubrey & Duane are rockin' & rollin' on their good work, strumming up business. They approached Sylvie & I to see about contracting with them on one of their upcoming projects. We both said "uh, YEAH!" and now we wait! Besides all the laughing and corny jokes (compliments of Aubrey), we had some good chats about career transitioning. Sylvie was also given a package from a company for whom she worked for 15 years. 'tis a bad world out there now, poppits. I hope you are all shielded from it's negative impact.

The rest of Thursday was spent hanging out about the house. Eating was all good, although I was experiencing a real hungry day. I did manage to stay within my eating window, but felt I ate alot of food. I had my homemade chili, grapes and a big Greek salad. Perhaps it was all the fibre, but I felt pretty stuffed for most of the day!

Friday was spent in town, walking around in the rain and wind. I started out with straight-ish hair and ended up looking like a poodle. Not that anyone cares, but it was DEFINITELY a bad hair day!

I went to a networking session of some of the independant coaches associated with ACPI and we had a good session brainstorming ideas on how to grow our businesses. While I have lots to do, like, um, GET business, I learned alot. I also met some great people who offered to meet with me for coffee and share their experiences...awesome!

Lunch was a salad with Thom. He's just SUCH a great guy and an amazing, valuable friend. I've known him for so long and he has often provided keen, intuitive advice. And, he's a really good human being. I love having people like this in my life!

Worked out at LPS doing the "farmer's walk" and rode the bike for 16 minutes. An extra minute on the bike and extra 2 lbs/bar. Needless to say, I was glad when the 10th rep was finished!

Back to Mississauga where niece, Jennifer, and I had dinner and went to see Duplicity. I can NOT believe Jennifer will be 20 years old this summer. She has turned into such an amazing young woman. Funny, smart, insightful, mature, silly, logical, compassionate...all wrapped up in a hot package! She continuously amazes me and I am SOOO proud of her!

Well, that's about it for now. I'm thinkin' I should get my fat arse off the chair and start the day. It's now 11:27 - I slept in until 10:15...ah, the joy of not having to set the alarm!

Oh, shout out to Tony & Kathy who are celebrating birthdays today!

TTFN my lovelies!
(a)yt xox


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