Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sunday, April 12th 2009

Happy Easter everyone! I hope your day was filled with family and/or friends and good food! Mine sure was. Lorry & I ventured to Ingersoll to visit sister, Bea, who hosted us for a nice lunch. We ate early so we could be home in time to pick up niece, Jennifer, from work. We had a good visit and good food.

My urges for chocolate were back in full force today. And, the worst part was that I wanted ANY chocolate. Before, at least I was craving the good, Laura Secord chocolate, but I moved past that posh-type craving and into the cram-my-pie-hole-with-even-dollar-store-chocolate cravings.

OK, true confession. I actually stopped at Shoppers Drug Mart on the way home from Lorry's house and bought a bag of Cadbury Eggies - you know, the candy coated, chocolate eggs. I love, love, LOVE those eggs.

I boldly walked up to the Easter candy section, picked up a bag, thinking "screw it, I want this" and paid for them. Then I walked out of the the car...opened the door...sat in the car...held the bag of candy...watched the chubby, little kid walk by holding his chubby dad's hand ...looked down at the bag of candy...out the window at the chubby kid...back to the candy...the whole time I was thinking things like...

"I'm an adult. I can eat what I want."
"It's just one little bag of candy. I'm exercising tomorrow anyway."
"Yvonne, get a grip. It's just a bag of candy!"

Then I tossed the bag out the window, started the engine and drove away...making sure I backed over the damn bag of candy so I wouldn't stop the car, run out, pick it up and eat it! I was so close to giving up all the hard effort I've put in to date. I'm glad I resisted, but I sure felt guilty afterwards! So guilty that I came home and went for an hour's walk!

Tomorrow starts the next chapter of this journey to good health. I begin the "Caveman Diet", which means I eat only protein and green veggies. I've managed to get The Evil One to concede to my eating tomatoes. Clearly he knows I'm a woman on the edge. This time it's for 21 days...another way to kick start the weight loss. Hopefully, I should lose even more than 1.5 lbs. per week.

People have been very clear about their concerns with the methods I'm following. Mostly, they're concerned about my ability to sustain the weight loss, given that I've eliminated pretty much anything worthwhile eating from my diet. At the end of the day, I'm not feeling harmed in any way. The increased exercise routine is a good thing and seeking to control my food intake is also good. I have an addictive personality, especially when it comes to the food category of anything-that is-not-nailed-down, so trying to control what I eat and when I eat it is not a bad thing for me to do. Besides, although I whine like a crazy person, in the scheme of things, the "sacrifices" I'm making are not such a big deal. After all, I do have food to put into my mouth - unlike some people in this world. renewed commitment for the period of April 13th to May 3rd is:
- 9 hour window still remains (despite my groans, threats and tears to The Evil One)
- I get to eat all protein that swims, flies and/or walks...quantities are not limited, btw
- I get to eat vegetables
I no longer have to worry about eating:
- dairy (including soya or goat dairy)
- sugars
- grains
- fruit
Did you notice the whole "Ambassador of Positivity" thing goin' on here?!?

I haven't set another weight loss goal for these 21 days yet, so I'll get back to you on that.

Wish me luck and thanx, as always, for your words of encouragement - even if it's to say "wassamata for you?!?"

Caio for now!
(a)yt xox


  1. you should have eaten the damn chocolate. it wouldn't have killed you. purge yourself too long and you'll just binge eat it later. take it from me. i purged and now i can't stop eating the damn chocolate.

  2. So proud of you for not eating that chocolate!

    I'm surprised The Mississauga News front page headline wasn't "Crazy Lady Slaughters Baby Eggs With SUV"

    Keep up the good work - let me know if you want to meet for another salad lunch.
