Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday, April 26th 2009

'Tis a bleary Sunday today and all I want to do is watch my Harry Potter movies - I'm addicted! Right now I'm watching the scene in The Prisoner of Askaban (#3) where Harry makes the mean sister of Mr. Dursley puff up and float away...karma baby, that's all I've got to say!

Well, it's been a while since I've last typed. I've been busy and, to be quite frank, just decided to take a break. I hope you don't mind. BUT, lots of good things have been going on, so I'll tell you about them.

On the health front....I continue my 3 workouts/week. For some reason, the bike is really taking alot out of me. While the tension is higher and I'm trying to keep the speed up, my heart is really racing after only 10 minutes. I think I'll be in trouble if this happens on the Inca Trail. I've decided I need to start working the cardio a little more, so I'm committing to doing the treadmill at home, hill program, at least one day a week. We'll see how it goes. That will start this afternoon. In the meantime, I'm still sticking to the 9 hour window and the reduced "Caveman Diet". It's been alot easier since I "jumped off the wagon" last weekend. Perhaps I needed a chocolate fix to move on.

On the career front, some good stuff going on. I can see the path towards my career of coaching becoming more clear all the time. It's amazing how things work when you decide on something. I can't tell you how happy I am with this decision!

Thursday I did my workout at LPS...the one I'm supposed to do on my own....with no interference from The Evil One...ya know?!? Well, I was doing my sandbag walk and Werner said "it's getting easy for you, isn't it?" It was, but there's no way I was going to let HIM know that so of course I denied it...that's just a "little white lie", right?!? Anyway, even though he was working with ANOTHER client, Mr. Mind-Everyone-Else's-Business told me to put the bag on my shoulder, walk across the gym floor, up the stairs and, are you ready for this OUT THE DOOR AROUND THE BUILDING, and back into the gym.

Now...let me paint you a visual picture of the "workout yt"....I wear a brightly cloured tshirt (you know how I like colours), dark workout pants (some that are now getting a tich big), generally hairy legs, ankle socks and white & pink shoes....oh yeah, no makeup and a black head band that pulls all my hair back from my face ... usually with the bangs sticking up and out from the head band...can you see me now?!?

So, you can understand why I started to laugh HYSTERICALLY when Evil One suggested I go outside. I said "Wait a minute! You want POSITIVE advertising for the gym, not ME!!" He replied with "C'mon Yvonne, get going. It's a nice day, go on!" he was deaf or something. So, I decided to appeal to Clance, the owner. I said, in a pleading voice, "Clance, I don't have to do this, do I?!?" To which Clance replied, shaking his head and putting his hands up, "Hey, you follow Werner. It's up to him." Then I appealed to his sense of power..."But you're the boss. If you say I don't have to do it, he'll listen to you." Then, big, strong, all-powerful Clance said "It's really up to Werner. I'm not getting involved."...chicken!

Sooooooo, off I go, with the 40 lb. bag of sand on my shoulder, walking around the building...dodging the two cars in the alley on my right, the smokers at the front and back of the building, and the brick wall to my left. It was so much fun...NOT!!! I took my consolation in knowing that the bag on my shoulder hid my face. On my journey, touring the building 10x, I encountered Luis, one of the guys who works out everyday who said "Are you f-ing kidding?!?" and then laughed at me! Admittedly, it was much harder than just walking across the gym floor, so the workout was better. However, by the 10th round, I was bouncing between the wall and the cars trying to keep my balance. Just as I was heading into the building, a guy that looked homeless said to me "Can I help you with that, sweetheart?" And they say chivalry is dead....

Well, off to continue my Harry Potter marathon....

Until next week, good eating!
(a)yt xox


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