Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday, April 13th 2009

Greetings & salutations, dudes & babes! Happy Monday! Is everyone suffering from that I-ate-too-much-yesterday-and-couldn't-sleep-well-therefore-I'm-really-tired feeling today?!? Well, join the club!

Thank goodness today was a fairly light activity day, although I did do a workout. It was very weird at the gym as there weren't many people around. I worked out alone and could've cheated on my workout - but what's the point, really? So, I took satisfaction in completing a hard workout where I rode the bike...hard...for 15 minutes, then did the farmer's walk, carrying 36lbs on each arm. I'm paying for it now as my back is sore. No more farmer's walk for me.

'twas a good eating day, with today being the first day of my Caveman Diet. Oh, by the way, green desserts like pistachio ice cream and keylime pie do not fall within the scope of the diet, despite my brother John's very creative approach to them. Damn!

Nothing too exciting to report. It was a fairly low key day, getting my car tires re-aligned in the morning, then an afternoon at gym. No dramas to or from the downtown imagined muggings of innocent by-standers eating Cinnabons to report. I did walk through Laura Secord, but managed to not buy anything. Heck! I didn't even take a sample that was sitting on the counter. Sheesh! how boring am I?!?

Well, perhaps tomorrow's day will be filled with more excitement! I'm back downtown for a few networking meetings, including the last session with my transition coach, hoo!!

Have a good night, poppits...and good eating!!
(a)yt xox


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