Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Finding your sweet spot

Hi everyone!

When you hear the words, "sweet spot" what do you think of? Some people will think of golf and the spot on the golf club that makes that wonderful "crack" sound when you hit it just right and the ball goes screaming straight down the fairway. Or perhaps your sweet spot is like mine which is the vortex at Union Station that contains Dairy Queen, Cinnabon, Laura Secord and, sometimes, fabulous silver jewelry on display for and bling...heaven really....

Well, this week I feel as if I've been swimming in my "sweet spot" every moment of every day! Wonderful & awesome things have been transpiring in my life. Call it "The Universe", or "God's mysterious ways" or "the stars aligning"...whatever! It's all been really good stuff going on and I've been feeling amazing, really. So, sit down, grab a drink and maybe a treat and read on, poppits!!

It all started after my AFOOFA meeting last week with the fabulous Duane, Aubrey & Sylvie. For some reason, I couldn't stop thinking about people's resiliency and their ability to draw strength from within to help them cope with/survive major upheaval throughout their life. This seed got planted and before I knew it, I was sending an email to many of my family, friends and colleagues asking if they would share their stories with me. All I can say is...

!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY RESPONSE, BATMAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOWZA! Clearly I've hit on something because so many people are intrigued by the topic and very interested in sharing their experience. So, I have no idea what I'm going to do with the information, but I simply CAN'T WAIT to hear the stories! I've got a good feeling about this one...

Well, other great things that have been happening all seem to be around workshops and coaching. I received a call from someone I met at an ACPI meeting. Remember the guy I almost stole the banana cream pie from? Well, he called me and asked for my input on a whole day workshop he was contracted to do for a local college. Next thing I know, I'm sitting outside Starbucks, brainstorming an outline for a morning!! It was such a cool feeling! I never thought of myself as a designer of workshops, but here I came up with one within 1 1/2 hours. It was such a great feeling. And, again, the objective was to help people tap into their own strengths to help them cope with an upcoming change.

My point of sharing is that I have been RIDING HIGH for the past week and a half simply because I'm living out my passion, my mission, my joie de vivre...and it feels GREAT! For me, it's all about connecting with others and helping. Now, I'm learning that it's ALSO about helping people realize their own strengths. People are so brilliantly resourceful...they just need to be reminded of that! And this past week was filled with lots of Practicum stuff, coaching sessions and really great networking meetings. Man! I'm so pumped remembering the past week that my fingers are just flying over this keyboard. The Apple is SMOKIN', baby!!!

And now, cut to how life is on the food and exercise front...

Well, some good news...I'm down another 1 lb, so that makes 67 in total. That's a good thing considering my only exercise was my workout with The Evil One. It's going to be the same this week as I've been quite busy and heading into Christmas party central! BTW, had a bit of drama around LPS. It seems Clance (the owner) packed up the entire gym and evacuated it Friday night...without telling anyone but the movers! Hello?!? I got an email from Werner telling me the news, then a call from Clance late Sunday night. Such mystery and drama. Anyway, The Evil One is now working from a private gym called "Station 7", which is above the Good Life Fitness at Union Station. It's so much more convenient to the GO Train and is really more private. Sooooooo, if anyone's interested in being trained by The Evil One, now's your chance! You, too, can sweat your ass off...literally and figuratively! Oh, and THIS gym has really fun machines for pull downs that make your arms come out of your sockets and a big ass bag that weighs about 50 lbs and looks like a punching bag that you get to carry across the gym floor twice...makes you want to come on down and sign up, doesn't it?!?

My family comes to town for our "Christmas in Ontario" and I have my Annual Open House & Tacky Gift Exchange for which I am baking up a storm. My brother, John, is staying at my house. He's notorious for "sleep walking" when there are homemade treats in the house, leaving nothing but bread crumbs and disappointment the morning after. Fortunately my sister, Bea is also staying with me and can share "John Duty". On the positive side, I get to open some Christmas presents this weekend...yes, poppits, it's all about the presents!!

Well, I have more to tell you but it's late and I need to get my beauty sleep. I wish you sweet dreams and wishes for you to find your sweet spot very soon!

Merry Christmas season, poppits!
(a) yt xox


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