Monday, December 14, 2009

Post-Carbohydrate Consumption Disorder

or as it's more commonly known amoung the food addicts, "PCCD". Anyone else familiar with this term? Recognize any of the following symptoms:

- perpetual state of drowsiness and low energy?
- cravings of sugar, bread or anything covered in peanut butter?
- fabric marks and drool on your cheeks from falling asleep on the couch with your mouth wide open?
- general tightness of the pants and swelling of the ankles?
- a low desire to make any movements, including exercise, house cleaning and/or rolling out of bed?
- a Pavlovian drooling at the sight of chocolate?

If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, you have Post-Carbohydrate Consumption Disorder (PCCD). Anyone can get PCCD. all they have to do is ALOT of breads, or sugars or anything really tasty.

I know because I am experiencing PCCD now. My journey-to-hell began last Wednesday when I started baking for my Open House & Tacky Gift Exchange. I THOUGHT I could exercise control, but I knew I was in trouble the moment the Oatmeal Scotchies came out of the oven. Instantly The Rationalizer kicked in and before I knew it, I had snarfed down 4 cookies "because I needed to taste-test the new recipe." Sound familiar? People, ONE cookie is taste testing, a dozen is gluttony...

By Saturday our family "Christmas Day", I was grabbing anything that looked like it contained sugar or fat or dairy...seriously. The only thing I didn't eat were the candy canes on the tree. And don't think I didn't try to eat one, but couldn't find a moment alone with the tree or else I would've grabbed one and shoved THE ENTIRE THING into my mouth.

So, here I sit Monday evening, waiting to pick up my nephew Craig from the airport. If I didn't have the 11:59 arrival time, I would be fast asleep in a carb-induced coma. The past 6 days have taught me many things, including:

- no amount of carbs is worth the drugged up, no energy, downer feeling of PCCD
- when I decide to let go, I really have no self-control when it comes to sweets. That insight, quite frankly, is scary!
- If I bake it, the pounds will come

On a positive notes, the 12 Oatmeal Scotchies I ate with a glass of milk at noon have been sitting in my belly like a lead balloon. I haven't felt like eating another thing since. Of course, I can't seem to shake off the looming nausea, but I guess I deserve the pain.

I really wanted to capture the feeling so that I can look back on this blog anytime I have cravings for carbs and ask myself "is it really worth it?!?" Right now, I'm hearing a resounding "NO FLIPPIN' WAY!!!" in my head, but that's because the Oatmeal Scotchies and milk refuse to digest and I can't seem to keep my eyes open. No doubt I'll be going through my carb withdrawals for the next three weeks, a really bad result of PCCD. One day I hope to learn from this experience, but until then, I acknowledge my weakness for the carbohydrates and focus on the positives ... like ...

- the last of the cookies, fudge and delicious treats have been given away to a deserving family of skinny people
- I'm facing 2 weeks in Phoenix and my brother has lined up lots of exercising gigs, including walks and hikes
- Christmas and Tacky Gift Exchanges only happen once a year, so I am confident in my full recovery from PCCD before I face the carbs again next year

Well poppits, I hope your holiday season is filled with love, joy and good eating...however you're defining "good"!

(a) yt xox


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