Sunday, March 28, 2010

Body image - oie!!

Hi everyone! Greetings on this dull and rainy Sunday afternoon.

I am heading to the sunshine and warm temperatures of Phoenix Wednesday, which I'm very excited about! In preparation for the glorious weather, I went bathing suit shopping. Falling out of the suits I had was not an option for me.

Now, it is a known fact that no matter how skinny, fat or perfect your body, EVERY woman hates shopping for bathing suits. It's the idea of seeing ALOT of your pasty white body in harsh, bright lights that makes the experience so dreadful. And that's not even taking into consideration the added layer of complexities known as cellulite, flab or unwanted-and-previously-unseen body hair...'nuf said. Suffice it to say that this kind of shopping is NOT a good time.

While I was stuffing myself into the latest fashions of swimming attire, I did a good assessment of my "new" body. Overall? "Not bad", I'd say, but my body has taken a toll for being so overweight for all of my life. Actually, I believe the medical term is "morbidly obese"....nice, isn't it? You'd think that categorization alone would be motivating enough for me to lose weight. Bad enough I had to worry about whether or not a seat belt would fit me, but I had to deal with knowing I was "deathly fat"...yeesh! What other humiliation could I face?!?

But I digress. And that was the "old" me and the "new" me was now standing in front of the mirror, checking myself out in the bathing suit...

Let's start at the top...face, much thinner ... double chin, gone...good shoulder definition (exact words from my nephew the trainer)... arms, pretty good definition, the smallest they've ever been, but, truthfully, the upper arms will benefit from some more weight and fat loss.

On to the mid-section...I can actually ab muscle I don't have a six pack...more like a two pack...but the muscles are there and I'm very proud of that. I actually have a waist now and curves...who knew?!? Area of the arms, the tummy will need to shed some more weight and place to go but down!

OK, bum...I can actually feel the bones in my bum when Nadia asks us to sit on them in yoga. That's pretty cool! Legs...I can definitely see the muscles in my legs and feel my knee bones...awesome! More weight and fat loss for the legs, though, but it's all good and trending in the right direction.

I can feel my spine, ribs and hip bones and see my collar and cheek bones. This is progress. So, as I've been scrutinizing myself with an eye that is trying to be objective, I think "Good job. Keep it up. And if you need a little nip & tuck at the end of it, so be it!"

For the female human population, body image is a very touchy issue. Because of my weight, I've never thought I could be attractive. And hearing the words, "but you've got such a pretty face" doesn't really help, for the record. We are our harshest critic, and I certainly have been very harsh on myself. That's why, when I looked in the mirror this time and said "not so bad", it felt great! Is my body perfect? Uh, no! But it's healthy, active and strong. Realistically, I can't be the size that I was for so many years and expect to slim down into a fat-free body. It just doesn't happen that way. The Evil One says that "it's all about looking good naked". He's right. I guess the definition of "good" is subjective. I'm just grateful to be looking at a slimmer, healthier me.

So tell me something, poppits, what do YOU say when you look in the mirror? If it's something negative, promise me that, tomorrow, you will find at least TWO things you like about yourself when you're naked. Sound weird? Try it, you'll like it...

Here's hopin' for a GREAT bikini summer!
(a)yt xox


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