Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Is it really only Tuesday, Feb 24, 2009?!?

For some reason, I'm feeling like it's the weekend. Perhaps because I spent the day doing, well, nothing. Oh sure, I had some productive moments, but not so much really.

It's about 8:30-ish and I'm happy to report another good food/control day! Breakfast was pork chops and almonds; lunch was a VERY yummy Greek salad with a burger (who needs lettuce, anyway?!?), dinner is TBD. I'm not feeling hungry just yet. Whatever it is, it will be light, given it's late at night.

I cleaned out my email folders, including the one titled "mom updates". I read through alot of the emails I'd sent to the family of her "earlier" days in the home in Burlington - what a hoot! I'd forgotten alot of the funny stories and the times when she was not only lucid, but quite spunky and hilarious! It was so great to remember her in that way, so I'm grateful that I'd saved the emails. Reviewing those emails also reminded me of the importance of getting my health back on track. Seriously, thinking of the poor health history in my family makes me do a mental head slap and ask myself the question "whatsamatta for you?!?"

Then I got to thinking about my nieces & nephews - a fine lot they are. I'm so proud of how so many of them have maintained or took control of their own health. Like Catherine, Sandra & Stephanie who have lost a WACKLOAD of weight and look amazing. Or what about Craig, Tommy & Mark who have taken the time to get certification; Mark to instruct Yoga and Craig & Tommy for their personal training through Can Fit Pro. How about Keri, Chrissy & Andrea who still manage to keep themselves looking & feeling great during pregnancy (Keri) or after giving birth (Andrea & Chrissy). And let's talk ongoing focus of activities & good eating with David, Noelle, Ryan & Jennifer. And lest I forget our little dancer, Lisa. Kudos to all of you and thanx for inspiring me...not to mention cheering me on!!

In a moment of inspiration (I'm telling you I am motivated people!!), I dusted off my Yoga DVD, popped it in and actually tried to do it....vs. watching it from my couch as I ate dinner. OK, so there's room for improvement...ALOT of room...but at least I tried it. BTW, for those of you interested, it's actually called "the downward dog" and not "the dirty dog" like I thought it was. Hmmm...wonder where my mind has been?!?

So, on that note, I will bid you good night. Tomorrow I'm having lunch with Kathy Buckworth who, after sending out my initial "need your help, please" email, replied back with..."I can help. I'm a mother and used to saying 'Don't put that in your mouth!'" She cracks me up!

Keep the emails coming. Oh, and for all you "blog virgins", if you want to post a comment, just hit the comment button and type away.

(a)yt xox


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks Yvonne. I have never blogged - it seemed silly but I confess I didn't know how .. but here I am .. blogging and craving a porkchop. Funny you should mention a porkchop because the other night I went out for dinner with friends (first time since AUGUST - how pathetic is that). Anway, I ordered a porkchop because I've NEVER ordered a porkchop in a restaurant. The mention of chocolate reminded me that I bought one on Tuesday and don't remember eating it.

  3. I removed the post because it was missing information - I thought you would wonder what I said. It would make me crazy if someone posted and then removed it.
