Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday, Feb 22, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

Thanx to Werner-edited-edited-trainer, I have been set up to record and share the trials, tribulations and triumphs of my journey to good health. For those of you reading this...thank you for walking along with me.

In response to my note asking for help, all I can say is ... "HOLY RESPONSE, BATMAN!!" You people ROCK and many of you have taken up the baton of challenge, setting your own weight loss goals. I say "good for you"! Together we will achieve our goals, feeling more fit and looking more fab-you-luss in the end! Yeah for us!

It's about 3:45 and I just returned home from a morning service with friends Aubrey & Duane, and their wives and kids. We then went out for lunch. It was great to see how incredibly supportive the gang was, either in ordering healthy choices or sheilding me from their french fries. I found myself asking the waitress to check and see if the feta cheese in the Village Greek Salad was, indeed, Greek made from goat's milk and not Canadian was, btw. Slap on a chicken breast and it was an easy choice for me, given my love for salads and Greece!

Then I headed to Loblaw's where I picked up veggies and meat for the week. The next adventure is in the cooking and prepping of such purchases. That I will do tonight during the Academy Awards. Nothing like cleaning peppers while watching movie stars on the red carpet!

I must confess, I was a tich opposed (ok, hissy-fit opposed) to the idea of the email, but it's turned out to be the best thing I did. It reminded me of the GREAT support network I have and just how much, deep down, we want to see each other succeed. How cool is that?!?

Some of you may recall my commitment to be "an ambassador of positivity" this year. Sometimes, that's been really challenging to maintain, so I've decided to end each blog with a positive slant, speaking about what I am thankful for.

- I met some nice people today who are struggling with things much bigger than my journey to good health. I am thankful for that perspective, and the realization that hey! I'm doing ok...

- I am thankful for the knowledge, tenacity and creativity of Werner-ruggedly-handsome-trainer. He has shown to me a great balance between compassion and butt kicking. I am glad he hasn't given up on me, especially during the times when I had given up on myself.

Just to reiterate my goals...
- buh-bye to 15 lbs. by the end of April
- no grains, sugars or dairy
- look for the positive!

Cheers everyone!
yt xox

1 comment:

  1. I may have edited one or two words :-) ... can u tell which ones?
