Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Chillax, sister!!

Happy Hump Day all y'all!
Greetings from a sunny & warm Mississauga. It's nice to see the sunshine again. Although, as a typical Canadian, I'm sure I'll find something about the weather to complain! Isn't that our way?

I did not venture into the city yesterday. Instead, I met my friend Darren for lunch, did a little errand running/shopping then met my friend Michele for dinner. It was a good day.

I had really good conversations with both folks. Although both quite different, each were equally intense. With Darren, we talked about his business and the stresses he has in setting himself up for more success. With Michele, it was a discussion about how our limited beliefs hold us back. At the end of the day (and as I write now), I'm thinking ... "Lighten up, sister!" Sheesh! I was so impassioned with both of them. Poor folks! With Darren, I thought he was going to push me off my chair at one point! Michele, thankfully, was far more together about it. I didn't get a sense she wanted to push me off my chair, but I did see a few furrowed brows throughout the discussion. Anyway, I have no idea why I was so freaked, but I do know I need to follow my physical lead and lighten up!!

I'm back to feeling frustrated with how slow things seem to be moving for me, on the career front. I guess I need to give my head a shake and continue to trust my "leap of faith". For those of you who don't know, my leap of faith happens when I jump off an imaginary cliff giving up control of my life. I don't know where or when I'll reach the bottom, but I know I'll get there safely. This "giving up control" seems to be the only time in my life when things work out well for me. Well, sometimes, on my way down to the ground, I bump myself up against the rocks...that's when I try to take control back. Soooooo, it would appear I'm bumping up against some rocks now. I guess I just need to LET IT GO and trust it will work, the weight, everything!

OK, off my soap box and no, not off my rocker (for those of you thinking it!). Hopefully you understand my metaphor. If not, call or email me and I'll be happy to let you buy me lunch to discuss...tee hee....!!

I'm off to the city this morning, meeting Thom for lunch then a workout with The Evil One. Nothing like a workout with an evil-bastard-trainer to help relinquish control of your life!

Thanx for listening!!
(a) yt xox


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