Thursday, June 4, 2009

Oh my achin' EVERYTHING!!

Hi everyone!
Typin' at 'cha LIVE from Laylor Performance Systems where men are grunters and women sweat like piggies....or at least THIS woman. I have now discovered muscles I didn't know existed before. How do I know the exist? Because they hurt like you wouldn't believe...oie!! For those of you not into my whining, just page down...for those who can tolerate it, thank you. The following parts of my body have some type of ache - big or small:
- my bum (quelle suprise!)
- my legs (top, bottom, name it)
- my feet (bottom, ankles, the tops that are all veiny and gross)
- my fingers & hands & wrists
- my arms & shoulders
- my earlobes (I think my earrings are too heavy)
- my forehead ... yes, even my forehead friggin' hurts!

Needless to say, the last 2 workouts I had were quite effective. Yesterday was a guided workout with The Evil One, which is probably why my fingernails even hurt. Today, I was back for more self-inflicted torture pulling the sled. All I can say is "thank God" I'm done at LPS for the week.

OK...whining completed....

So, I've been back in the "networking" game and having a good time with old acquaintances. I met a few people from my last job at CIBC, so it was good to catch up on all the dirt. While I'm all about moving on, I can certainly appreciate the value of a good gossip fest! It seems things have not changed at all with management or the organization. Again, I'm reminded of how lucky I am to have moved on.

Eating has been pretty good, although I'm still struggling with my sugar cravings. It seems to be all about ice cream and cake for my cravings these days. Which doesn't bode well when I'm waiting for the GO Train at Union Station where there is a Dairy Queen that advertises ice cream cakes...and these really yummy looking ice cream waffle sundaes...not to mention my all-time favourite Peanut Buster Parfait...oh, and the Buster you FEEL for me, people?!? On a positive note, I do not have urges to do violent things to people eating DQ treats. I do, however, need to control the Pavlovian drooling that the pictures seem to incite in me. Hmmm...maybe I should stand in front of Laura Secords instead....NOT!!!

Well, it's time to get up and get the blood circulating again. It's good to know it can still circulate through all the pain....

Until next blog...good eating and good laughs!
(a) yt xox


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