Saturday, June 6, 2009

True confessions of a chubaholic....

It's time for me to fess up. I stepped on the scale this morning and weighed 4.5 lbs more than I did when I weighed myself Monday....OMG!! "What the HELL happened?!?", I asked myself while looking in the mirror.

Now, here's the I actually acknowledge what I've done wrong or play dumb? I'm coming clean to the few of you who actually read this blog. Following are the WRONG things I've been doing...

- eating outside my 9 hour window....instead of waiting until my usual 10:30 or 11:30 (heck, I can't even remember when my original window started!), I've been eating earlier in the day and later in the evening.

- eating the wrong my Tassimo lattes in the morning...a little taste of peanut butter...honey coated cashews...

- eating heavy dinners late at night....well, later than I should be. Instead of eating a salad with protein for dinner, I've been eating lots of meat and little veggies. As a matter of fact, my whole veggie intake has decreased significantly.

I guess this is what happens when you lose sight. In thinking about the reasons why the decline, I think it's because of the emotional roller coaster I've been riding lately. You all remember the two weeks of physical "issues" and how I didn't feel like going out. Well, combine that with my "just waiting" mode to get my coaching off the ground and you've got a big, fat emotional me. Plus, not seeing Bill anymore has hit me harder than I allowed myself to admit.

I'm sure you're all asking the question..."So, yt, waddaya gonna do about it?!?"

OK, let's follow my own lofty suggestion and pick simple, goals to get me back on track....
1) back to my 9 hour window
2) eat more veggies
3) stick to the modified Caveman Diet

I'm still going to have my "cheat day", but what I will have as a treat is...Karen's FAB potato salad and my Goat cheese yogurt. That's it for the cheating. Then it's back on track.

OK people...thanx for listening and reading. I appreciate your support and need it now more than ever. Wish me luck!!!
(a) yt xox


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