Monday, September 21, 2009


That's what I said this morning when I realized I didn't update my blog yesterday! Yes, Emmanuel sent out his blog with diligence, but did that trigger ME to update my blog?!? Nooooo....zoinks! Sorry folks....

I have lots to tell, having completed my third and final week of the Adler coaching course. It was a bitter sweet ending, come Friday. On the one hand, I was happy to be finished the course work and move into the practicum stage. On the flip side, I was bummed that I won't be in class with my Adler peeps anymore. I really enjoyed the learning - both my own self-learning as well as the learning of my peers. It's always amazing and humbling to hear of the self-discovery. Everyone's so open and honest, it's pretty cool!

We learned more coaching techniques for our "tool kit"...lots of creative stuff going on, including some improve exercises! Those who know me from my Second City days, can only imagine how much I enjoyed THESE tactics! We also did some visioning and metaphor work. It got my imagination working overtime and I had all kinds of images popping into my head! Fortunately, none of the images were violent or ugly...says the person who has "fantasies" of pushing people with Cinnabons onto the GO Train platform! I guess it's all relative...:)


I'd like to tell you about one of my "insights". There is an exercise where you "transform a metaphor" from a negative into a positive image. The image I had was one of a dog chasing it's tail. This is the image I get when I think about the two, looming deadlines approaching me...when my severance runs out and May 2010 when I climb the Inca Trail. Ever watch a dog when it's chasing it's tail? It's like they can't stop..."I'm gonna get it, I'm gonna get it"...even though it bounces off the wall from the dizziness and yelps when it actually bites the tail. You just want to say to the dog..."just stop, dough head!!!" That's how I feel sometimes when I think about these two, big goals...excited about the goal (i.e. financial success with ymt Strategies and reaching the top of The Inca Trail). However, I see myself getting dizzy and panicky ... bouncing off the walls and wanting to stop. Are ya with me or have you now flipped to checking your email?!?

So, I transformed this image into something more positive...I'm a dog, laying in it's cozy bed, eating and drinking when I'm hungry...getting a treat every once in a while...being unconditionally loved and loving unconditionally...playing in the park with other dogs, chasing balls, sniffing bums...all happy! This a much better image and instantly calms me down...well, except for the sniffing bums ...

So, I've recommitted to chillaxin' and enjoying the park! And would love your support and reminders when you see me chasing my tail. Interestingly enough, I received an email from my niece. It's about a woman who dines with an 80 year old woman who orders dessert and fattening things for lunch. When asked, the 80 year old went on about how she's old and wants to live her life to the fullest before she dies. My niece specifically sent it to me 'cuz I'm sure she was trying to tell me to "chillax and eat chocolate every once in a while!". It's a good message and one I will take to heart. Thanx Sandra for caring!!

BTW, I'm watching the Oprah Winfrey show where she's interviewing Whitney Houston. She's showing lots of images from Whitney's career and it's reminding me of the glorious 80s...the days of big hair, double shoulder, how I miss the football player look!! To this day, I still appreciate a good mullet!

Well, on that note, I'll say "buh-bye" ... see you Wednesday!
(a) yt xox

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention Yvonne! My blog has become a passion so it's easy to post every Wednesday and Sunday.

    And thanks for the transforming metaphor tool. It's similar to creating powerful affirmations.

