Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm baaaaaaack!!!

Well, almost!

Hello & heidi-ho on this GLORIOUS Friday-before-a-long-weekend! The sun is shining, the trees and flowers are in bloom, the kids are screaming like banshees in the park across the street...ah, spring is definitely here!

Thanx to a long, brisk walk and good talk with cousin Sandra last night, I'm feeling like my old self. Although the back is still twingy and I still have remnants of the flu bug (if ya know what I mean), my funk has lifted and I feel more energetic today than I have for the whole week....yeah!!! I hate funk...well, unless it's a good 80's tune where you can "get down on it"!!

So, true confessions time. I have not been following my diet very well this week. For the most part, I've been eating the right foods, but the eating window has been really off. Mostly I've been eating before 11:30. This week has been a real struggle for me. I had wicked cravings, as mentioned in my last blog about Planet Organic's bulk food ordeal. I'm lucky I didn't have the energy to actually go to the grocery store or else I would've purchased everything in sight and eaten it on the spot. I have a visual of me, greasy hair & sweats, sitting in the frozen food section with a tub of Heavenly Hash, an open bag of plastic spoons to the left of me, and crumbs from an empty bag of Double Stuff Oreos on my right. Oh sure, I'd pay for the eaten food, but not until I've mouth-vacuumed every last crumb from the aisle and cleaned up the chocolate mustache on my face. This is how bad it got....

BUT, it's over and I'm back...yeah!! I've decided not to step on the scale until my usual weigh-in day of Monday morning (Tuesday for LPS). That way, I can keep the positive momentum going! Today I will work out in some way. I'm not sure if I can take the physical stress of an LPS workout just yet, but I will get some exercise. I'm thinking treadmill or bike ride....whatever will be will be!

I promised myself to try and get my house organized for when I get it painted the last week of May. It's going to be a challenge. Although I'll have good intentions, I think I'll end up throwing everything into the centre of the rooms and hope for the best...oie! I did manage to check out sleeping/sitting options in IKEA to see what could be done to organize the space. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need help with that. However, at the very least, I will shift winter wardrobe to spring/summer wardrobe this weekend. That, in itself, will be challenging!

BTW, I think I mentioned that I'm reading "The BlackBerry Diaries"...the latest book by Kathy Buckworth. Folks, if you are a parent, a BlackBerry owner or both, this book is for you. I am neither (I have an iPhone), but love it! In her July 20th entry, she's been speaking about her vacation in France with her hubby, 4 children and Seamus, her BlackBerry - yes, she named her BlackBerry and is truly, a kindred spirit! She talks about the advantage of having her BB as a means of distraction throughout the book. However, when her BB was out of range in France, she remembers that her children also serve as a great distraction. Check this out...

Children have a delightful way of lowering the tone of any stuffy and pretentious outing....I miss my children in situations where I'm forced to nod, smile politely and not say "you're kidding, right?"at inappropriate times. Like, for example, the recent dinner party where I had someone quite earnestly say to me "Some of the best moments of my life are defined by the wine that I'm drinking." In my own ever-so-sophisticated "best moment", I practically blew my cab merlot all over the finely laid table (out my nose, of course), while sputtering in disbelief. If only I'd had a toddler in tow! I could've pointed to the little darling and said, "Oh sorry - didn't mean to do that - it's just that Nicholas shoved a lima bean up his nose and I couldn't help myself." Instead, I said, "Some of my worst moments are defined by the gallons of wine I've quaffed down the night before."

She kills me! Get the book...seriously!

OK poppits, time to sign off and get busy with the day! Happy Victoria Day weekend to all the crazy Canucks who are reading this blog!
(a) yt xox


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