Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Is 9:00 pm

an acceptable time to crawl into bed?!? I wonder because I'm about ready to fall down with exhaustion and it's barely scraping the 9:00 hour...sheesh! I'm not sure why I'm so bagged. Could be that this week's course is mostly theory and not alot of coaching. That's always draining. Or maybe it's because I just had a meeting with a team of people where 2 of them sucked the life out of me. Or maybe I'm suffering serious carb withdrawals!! Who knows, but I do know that I will drag my fat arse off to bed a soon as I'm done typing!

I had a couple of positive things happen today that I thought were worth sharing. Firstly, had a great conversation with new buddy, Maggie, from class. Maggie is interested in getting back into shape and offered to go on hikes with me. We talked about doing a hike every Sunday morning. She's going to talk to her friend who's an outdoor-do-healthy-stuff guy and will get some ideas on hikes that challenge us. I'm going to see if Heather, Inca Trail coordinator, wants to join us. Yeah!!

The other positive thing was that I demonstrated real self-control in the face of temptation tonight. Remember that meeting I was telling you about earlier? Well, I bought some snacks for the group. I popped over to Canadian Tire - ok, so not the best choice for healthy snacks...good lesson learned! Nonetheless, I bought a bag of chips and a tin of chocolate covered almonds for the group. I ate NONE of them, despite the taunting I could hear from said almonds & chips. All I did was say "are they really worth it?" and that was that. Yeah for me!

Now I want to change gears a little bit. Is it me or has anyone else noticed an increase in the male "shifting" problem?!? Do ya know what I'm talkin' about? That not-so-subtle way men have of adjusting their package. What is it about the discomfort that makes the behaviour so urgent as to do it in front of me?!? Seriously, do I snap by bra in front of you? Or pull up my boobs to make them look perkier (only Meryl Streep does that on Oscar night)? Or do you see ME pulling out a wedgie in YOUR face?!? NO...and you won't! So why is it that this week alone I saw 4 men (count 'em FOUR and it's only Wednesday) do this?!? No kidding...on the subway...on the GO Train...walking down the street...and in the elevator in my building (with his wife present). Male species, can you not WAIT until you hit a washroom to fix yourself?!? What makes this such an urgent need?!? Perhaps I need a cue stick and a couple of balls to appreciate the game of pocket pool....

OK, thanx for letting me vent...done now and going to bed!

Cheers to movin' down the hill towards the weekend and watching the 6th Harry Potter movie!!
(a) yt xox

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! I'm sending you an e-mail shortly to schedule our first hike - reading your blog got me inspired all over again :)
