Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday, March 20 2009

Well heidi ho, poppits!

It's 8:00 on another gorgeous, sunny morning and the only thing on my agenda is to drive with Dianne & Lorry to The Briars for a weekend of decadent "girl stuff". We've been doing this for quite a few years, so I'm definitely looking forward to it. BTW, I'm sitting at my dining room table looking out my balcony at the dog park across the street. There are two REALLY ADORABLE dogs hanging out there. One of them is black and white and really fluffy and is chasing a ball that his owner keeps having to throw. This dog is wagging his tail and bouncing up against his master's leg like he's about to jump out of his fur. I have this overwhelming urge to run down there and cuddle it like crazy! It's sooooo cute and happy and furry!! oochy-cootchy!!

OK, I'm back...

Yesterday (Thursday) was an oh-so-casual day with only one appointment on the agenda. Then, heavenly bliss with Bill. It's time to come clean about my new BBF - Best Boy Friend. I've been keeping him a secret from the general public but it's no longer possible to keep quiet. It's the silly grin on my face ALL THE TIME that's a giveaway. Bill is funny, sweet, romantic, thoughtful, kind, compassionate, and wickedly intelligent...all wrapped up in sexiness. Oh, and did I mention he's a registered massage therapist? All I have to do is casually put my feet on his lap and it's instant foot massage....does it get any better than that?!? There's something very comforting in knowing that someone finds you really sexy - jiggly bits and all. All I can say is..."sigh"...

Speaking of "jiggly bits"....back to the program. I found making it to 11:30 REALLY HARD yesterday morning. I clearly did not have enough protein the night before and I was really hungry by the time 11:30 rolled around. Now, I should mention here, that I'm not really starving myself. I've received feedback from some people who think that the 9 hour eating window is going to have the opposite impact (i.e. I'm going to slow down my metabolism because I'm starving my body). I spoke to Werner and he mentioned that it takes 36 or 48 hours (couldn't remember the exact time) of non-eating before the body goes into starvation mode. Instead, what's happening with me is that by not putting any food into my mouth, my body will go to it's reserves for nourishment. Goodness knows I have enough "reserves" for the body, so it's eating my fat instead of food. There you have it. I'm sure there is a more technical, better explanation than that, but that's what I understood.

BTW, Werner wanted me to mention that the program I am on may not be the right program for everyone. He doesn't recommend that my diet or the three options presented before (i.e. shakes for 2 weeks, one big-ass meal a day, or only eating in a 9-hour window) are for everyone. He suggested them for me only, having worked with me for 7 months. The guy knows alot and & I trust him, even though I think about torturing him every once in a while.

Well poppits, it's time to sign off and get ready. Dianne will be here very soon, I'm sure. I won't be taking my laptop on the weekend, so I'll sign off until Monday. Wish me luck this weekend. The Briars has great meals..oie!! God give me strength to resist those FABULOUS desserts!!

Have a great weekend, everyone!
(a)yt xox

1 comment:

  1. I am not reading your blog or meeting you for lunch until you post a picture of Bill.


    Does he massage "good friends"?
