Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday, March 17th 2009

HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY to one & all! I hope some of you are enjoying a nice, green beer this evening!

"ouch"..."yikes"..."ooch"..."mother (bleeper)"....Those were words coming out of my mouth this evening as I walked from the restaurant, where I met my friend Leslie, to Union Station. A simple, short walk that produced nothing but pain for me. That's because we have "stepped it up" even more in my workouts - starting today. So now I have sore knees, sore arms, sore abs and yes, a sore ass (flashback to last week's blog entry).

It's all for my own good...I'm seeing results...it's the best thing for me...yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it! But that doesn't mean I have to actually like it does it? I mean, is there something psychological in my going back every week for this torture? Is it my love/hate relationship with Werner (he loves to torture me & I hate him for it)? Is it the addiction to pain that keeps me coming back? Or maybe it's the yummy post-workout shake...no, definitely not that. I guess it's the personal satisfaction I receive when I hear "Good work, Yvonne" from The Evil One after I've completed the last set of leg presses. Or maybe it's the wonderful feeling of stepping on my scale and seeing a smaller number. Or perhaps I'm just a sick, masochistic woman who likes pain? I dunno. All I know is that I am truly addicted and, despite my moaning and complaining, I am motivated to get my fat arse back into that gym and get busy!

I had a good eating day, eating within my 9 hour window. I had a good lunch of chicken, shrimp & vegetables and a great dinner of beef, asparagus & one-half of a fingerling potato). The best part of the meals was the company I kept. I met up with Nelson for lunch, an old CIBC friend from the Chip project. Dinner was spent with Leslie, an old friend who I hadn't seen since high school. Admittedly, catching up with Leslie ROCKED as she's packed so much cool stuff into her short life. She's always been a dynamo and it was great to see that she hadn't changed!

I stepped on the scale at LPS today for my "official" weigh in with Werner. I'm happy to say there was no need for violence, which is a good thing. That scale (my new best friend) also reported a loss of 5 lbs. so all is FAB-U-LUSS!

So, tomorrow I'm back downtown to meet with transition coach, Barb and to do another workout. No, that is not a typo you're seeing. I signed a "contract" with The Evil One stating that I will a) stick to my 9 hour window of eating each day and b) come to LPS to work out an additional 2 times (total 3/week) through April 15th. Although he won't stand over me, shouting instructions and counting, Werner will "supervise from a distance" so I can still get a good workout. What is WRONG with me, people?!?

Signing off now to soak in my epsom salts. Until next blog...stay cool!
(a)yt xox


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